Go for It - My Journey
It was at dessert time when I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew older. Still today, I do remember my answer, “An engineer, because with my Meccano set, I can build so many things.”In Go for It, Dominick Dehette recalls the heady days of the 1980s and early 1990s, when his work as an engineering consultant took him to southern Africa, China and all over Asia at especially interesting political times.Dehette’s account combines an engaged eye for detail with the more-philosophical viewpoint of the seasoned traveller.
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Ground Zero - The Frontline
With over 30 years of working in the healthcare system in two countries, the author showcases the most important skills you need to be able to work with, and care for, the elderly and people affected by dementia.Specially tailored for those considering a career path in this industry, no matter what the position, and for the tireless workers at home lovingly taking care of family members.It outlines the difficulties faced by both worker and patient, giving tips and insight about how dementia and the ageing process works from a frontline point of view.This sets the bar for constructing a solid foundation of knowledge and skills needed in this extraordinary line of work and possibly in your personal life.Ground Zero – The Frontline is about communication, love, compassion, and understanding needed to be a frontline worker. Included are twenty real life scenarios that serve as examples of some of the diverse people that have been the inspiration for this book. It is true. It is real. It is, at times, confronting.
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How to Buy Vintage Jewellery and Accessories
Delve into the beautiful world of vintage jewellery and accessories with this stunning guide. Learn how to seek and develop a unique 20th-century collection that will forever enrich your contemporary style. Also featuring a directory of New York’s best vintage markets and shows. This book is a must-read for any savvy fashionista.
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How To Photograph Garden Plants and Wildlife Through Four Seasons
Arnold Wilson is a professional biologist and an award-winning photographer, and both these skills are shown to their best advantage in How to Photograph Garden Plants and Wildlife through Four Seasons.As the title suggests, this book is a comprehensive guide to all aspects of garden photography throughout the year. Its early chapters discuss the technical intricacies of the camera and the many models currently available, before giving an impressively practical overview of the vital, but often misunderstood, subject of photographic composition.The next four chapters cover each of the seasons in turn, explaining what techniques to use to get the best out of flowers and other plants and how to produce appealing and unusual action shots of garden wildlife.Throughout, Arnold Wilson very much practises what he preaches. The book is illustrated with over 200 of his magnificent photographs – becoming, in effect, a showcase for the glories to be found in a British garden.How to Photograph Garden Plants and Wildlife through Four Seasons is an indispensable guide for every nature photographer, from aspiring to accomplished.
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Humans Evolved, People Were Made
If you believe in God but recoil from the way some people think that science has the answer to everything, and that the theory of Natural Selection can account for people without the need for God, you will find this book informative and inspiring. While reading it you will learn about the relationship between science and theology. You will be informed about the development of evolutionary science, from Lamarck to the present. You will understand the limitations of science and that Natural Selection is thought to be less important now. You will become aware of the difference between humans and people. How it was that people’s fear of each other led to sedentism and agriculture ten thousand years ago. You will learn more about the work of Charles Darwin, including his genetic theory, Pangenesis, and the writing on evolution by his contemporaries, Wallace and Chambers.You will see how the words of the Bible can be aligned with the material record of archaeology and how the timeline of development of people is different from that of animals.You will be interested in the proposal that God made people by an upgrade of the human, which must have happened just before the migration out of Africa, about 65,000 year ago. Only God could have given the ancient humans a soul, language and the intellect and immortality which go with them. This changed them into the people we are now, to make one living creature that could talk to God.
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IELTS Topic Vocabulary: Essential Vocabulary for the Speaking and Writing Exams
This book is invaluable for all the students preparing for the IELTS exam. It contains essential topic-specific vocabulary for the exam, divided into 20 topics, as well as two separate sections on useful vocabulary for the writing exam, including collocations. There is also a section on idiomatic language that can be used in speaking exam. Exercises throughout the book reinforce the vocabulary so that it becomes active, enabling you to use it in the exam and boost your IELTS band score.
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Vaul Impera investigates the fundamental philosophical aspects of power, demonstrating fundamental aspects of the relationship of power itself, and the relationship of power to human nature. Examining what power is, Vaul proceeds to discuss what power is to people, and in a convincing argument, illustrates how to increase in power, and also to determine if one is powerful. In the second writing of Immortalaeism, Vaul illuminates the philosophy of empire. Concerned with the element of rulership, which was discussed in power, Vaul provides a beginning for the philosophy of empire, which he simply uses as an empirical demonstration of power, indicating it is written to be an appendix, demonstrating power in organisation. Lastly, Vaul relates a spiritual book called Immortalae, which was produced through a spiritual endeavour that lasted thirteen years, from the time Vaul was eighteen. Attempting many religions experiences and philosophies, Vaul communicates his spirituality, which he has founded and established as his own religion, which in eventuality, includes all three written works into a paradigm that Vaul labels, Immortalaeism. Vaul provides spiritual answers that surround the notion of the holy grail in the final book. All three writings are transmitted through his personal experience on the subjects, and are a product of his life circumstances.
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Immortalaeism II
Immortalaeism II provides a book of application for power itself, and it also provides a book of application to the notions of eternal life and immortality. By crowning the series this far with a second book of Immortalae, which is the treatise of heroism, Vaul Impera provides a personal reality, where all of his philosophy and spiritualism may be applied; the idea of immortality itself. Combining the skill of power itself, given by a series of visions with the knowledge of immortality, Vaul pours this series together into the mould of an immortal man, as constant in the Universe as time, or justice. He foretells of the immortal man, a creation of the spiritual-philosophy he has written, Immortalaeism.
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Intimidation: The History, The Times And The People Of The Sheffield Outrages
Anonymous threatening letters, hamstrung horses, arson attacks, beatings, 'rattenings', bombings, shootings and murders; all at the hands of trade union thugs, orchestrated by William Broadhead, the tyrannical saw grinders' union leader. Such is the folklore of the Sheffield Outrages. However, acts of intimidation against 'obnoxious' workers and defiant employers stretched beyond Sheffield and across many trades.The story of the Sheffield Outrages is not just about the infamy of William Broadhead and the saw grinders, it is about a way of life in 19th century Sheffield; it is about conflict between hard-working skilled men and their exploitative masters; it is about a time of transition in industrial relations and the development of trade unionism.The story of the Sheffield Outrages is a significant and important aspect of Sheffield's social history and for far too long has been an understated one.Cover illustration: 'The Smoke of Sheffield', Allan F Barraud (1847-1913)
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Italy: From Subjugation to Independence
Enter a world of cloak-and-dagger intrigue and military rivalry, secret societies and revolution!The story opens with the rise and fall of the glorious Roman Empire, to be followed by the unceasing wave of invasions, in particular France, Spain and Austria. The rising city communes transform into powerful and wealthy city-states which, against the background of the flowering Renaissance, begin to resist foreign interlopers, whilst the Papacy vies with the Habsburg emperors for control of the Peninsula.The scene shifts to the Age of Enlightenment which not only kick-starts the foundations of the Italian economy, but also motivates the quest for independence. Masterminded by the revolutionary Mazzini, revolts snowball. Cavour’s international wheeler-dealings are followed by Garibaldi’s clinching victory over the Austrians at Volturno in 1860, by which he presents half of Italy to his king, Vittorio Emanuele II. The creation of a united and independent Italy is, at last, achieved.A ‘must’ for invaluable reading for those who seek a deeper understanding of Italy and the Italians.
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Jack the Ripper, The Works of Francis Thompson
Francis Thompson in 1888.He was an ex-medical student with a dissecting scalpel, and a history of mental illness and trouble with the police. He had just broken up with a prostitute and had written about cutting women's stomachs open.At the same time, a few yards from his refuge, a woman was knifed, as part of a spate of prostitute murders, which one coroner said was by someone who had considerable anatomical skill and knowledge.Richard A. Patterson sets out a compelling case for English poet Francis Thompson as the prime suspect for Jack the Ripper in this must-read for Ripperologists the world over.
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Jamaica: The Land We Love introduces the real Jamaica and will show you the way Jamaicans live their life.