Writing in Wet Cement
All these years later, nightmares of that marriage wrack my sleep. Heart pounding, I am cowering, running, trying to escape. My whimpers awaken the man now beside me, who loves me with only sweetness, kindness and laughter. He cradles me, dragging me back from the past into the joy and safety of my current life. I stare into the darkness of the night and memories. I wonder, not why did that marriage fail, but why did I allow it to last so long? To the outside world, it looked perfect. Only my mother and closest friends knew the inside reality of my life and how I was caught in the velvet trap of psychological abuse. Jayne Lisbeth was a privileged child, yet death and loss tore apart her world from an early age. The explosion of the free love and feminist movements of the 60s and 70s provided a renaissance, which slipped away during her marriage and motherhood in the 80s. Then, discovering her mother's past secrets illuminated the connections between their generations. Through that she found the courage to escape and create a new future. In deeply personal ways, Ms. Lisbeth reveals the depths of pain and elevation of joy by sharing her most intimate life experiences through sensually evocative words and painterly writing. Writing in Wet Cement is a tale which resonates with all women.
£10.99 -
WWW Quiz Book
This book seeks to entertain, provide information but foremost to offer a competitive test of the readers’ skill, powers of analysis, and overall knowledge levels. A definitive exploration which will determine where you sit in the quizzing spectrum.
This publication affords an evaluation which you can share and compare with your peers or remain for private satisfaction. It can be used individually with others or in a competitive setting.
There are 2000 questions asked in 8000 parts with a maximum available score of 8000 points with a score of above 5000 defined by the compiler to prove you have not just been looking at the pictures through the years.
Please buy this book and you will be providing sustenance for and pleasure to a grateful old age pensioner.
WWWW will be along one day for further examination of your memory and recall. Join a worldwide readership to know what you can score in WWW test.
The author utilizes a wide range of subjects for the challenges, especially delving into the world of sports for which he has a particular connection and affection.
£12.99 -
You Can Have Any Colour You Like, As Long As It's Black
Producing artworks of our colourful world using black ink is a challenge. Using only lines and dots, the artist has to make the viewer believe that the white spaces left after the ink has been applied represent recognisable forms.
I have assembled in this book a selection of my own ink drawings along with tips which might assist anyone who works or who would like to work in this dark art. There are no rules as such, but there certainly are things to avoid and techniques to employ.
Whatever your age or ability, if you wish to develop your drawing skills then you will find something here to inspire you.
£8.99 -
You Don't Have to Be a Champion... to Be a Winner!
From fitting wheels to wheelbarrows in a builders’ merchant, Brian rapidly climbed the business ladder and became a Xerox salesman. He was unaware that the professional selling skills he was learning would one day propel him into the glamorous and overtly commercial world of F1.
A disastrous debut at a racing driver school was the spark that lit his passion for motor racing. Aware of the need for some serious financial backing to be able to take part, Brian embarked on a variety of highly innovative and often extremely entertaining ways of securing sponsorship, including working with the cast of a top 1970s’ BBC sit-com, as well as with John Cleese, of Monty Python fame.
A chance meeting on a plane with Max Mosley offered an opportunity of managing one of the most popular F1 Grand Prix circuits. This, in turn, led to the heady heights of a factory drive for Mercedes and the establishment of South Africa’s first racing driver school.
It was only a matter of time before Brian’s exceptional sponsorship-acquisition skills took him to F1, where he quickly made a name for himself by securing multi-million pound deals with three of the most sought after global corporations.
However, Brian’s greatest achievement in motorsport was to establish the Motorsport Industry Association in 1994, in a bid to secure government recognition of the industry in its own right. Once again, Brian’s sales skills played a key role.
Without ever becoming a household name as a motor racing champion, Brian’s story of how he most definitely became a winner is not only inspirational, but highly entertaining, amusing, often irreverent and informative.
You Don’t Have to Be a Champion... to Be a Winner is the story of Brian Sims, who left school in 1963 with just 5 GCE O-Levels and a shattered dream of following in his father’s footsteps as a Royal Air Force pilot.
£13.99 -
Your Career Marketing Plan
This book will guide you through the steps of both developing and implementing a career marketing plan. Hopefully, it is going to be a valuable journey for you and one in which you will learn a great deal about the person you are in life as well as in the workplace. More importantly, you will have a better understanding of the field in which you want to pursue your career and the type of employer to whom you want to offer your peerless expertise.
If you will take the time to complete the exercises at the end of each chapter, they will help you to analyse the information gathering you need to do to start building your own Career Marketing Plan. A Career Marketing Plan template is given at the end of the book for you to start entering your strategies, tactics and action steps for the implementation, control and feedback of your plan.
This book will hopefully change you and your self-perception in a very positive way and give you greater confidence as well as self-awareness. It will help you know who you are, what you want and how you are going to get it. There is nothing stopping you from having the career you want and, ultimately, the life you desire. You will realise that you have what it takes to control your career destiny.
Best of luck to you on your career path and best wishes for tremendous success with marketing not only your career but also marketing you!
£8.99 -
Your Face My Light: Maurice Zundel, the Gospel of Man
Maurice Zundel (1897-1975), Swiss writer, priest and theologian, addresses himself not only to practising believers but to all those who, in a humanity and a Church in crisis, are seeking for a transcendent meaning or purpose to existence. Marginalised by the Catholic Church for his unorthodox, modernist views which present the individual as the source of his own freedom and becoming. Zundel's existential approach to 'being' is complemented by a profound spirituality of interiority and discovery of one's 'person' as the route to true encounter with the 'other'. The 'self' is also the 'creative source' which seeks itself through creative and artistic endeavour. These multiple facets of a theology attuned to the modern world and psyche, combined with a strong ecumenism embracing Islam encountered through long periods in Egypt and Lebanon, have ensured Zundel a huge following. Yet he is hardly known in the English-speaking world. The present book seeks to fill this void. It combines an introduction to Zundel's thinking by reference to his life and person with an analysis of selected extracts from his work translated by the author into English.
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Yvonne, Child of the Somme
Yvonne Millet was born into poverty in Paris during La Belle Époque, in the shadow of Notre-Dame cathedral. Taken to a childminder in the countryside a few days after birth, she became a ward of state at the age of three when her mother disappeared. A stable childhood in the beautiful Somme region of northern France was shattered when, aged fifteen, she was sent to work as a maid in a military town, during the First World War. Her devastating experiences would change her life and haunt her forever.
As a troubled young woman facing a precarious future, chance led Yvonne to marry a former British soldier. Hopes of fulfilment with a husband and family were marred by profound insecurities and the Second World War.
A moving, true account of one girl’s formative years in early 20th century France, Yvonne, Child of the Somme is also the story of thousands of children like her, who shared a similar fate. Most were too ashamed of their background ever to reveal their heart-rending stories. The echoes of their pain reverberated down the generations, unexplained.
‘Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.’
― Søren Kierkegaard, Danish Philosopher, 1813-55
£8.99 -
قصص الخلافة الإسلامية والخلفاء - Stories of the Islamic Caliphate and the Caliphs
يتبينَّ للباحث المهتمِّ بالتاريخ الإسلامي أنَّ الفترة التي عاشها نبيُّ الهدى محمَّد غيَّرَتِ الحياة الإنسانية بشكل فريد؛ فمنذ بَعثته تغيَّرَتِ النُّظُم الحياتية للبشرية في جميع أوجهها، الاجتماعية – بشكل شامل وعميق – والاقتصادية، والحربية، والسياسية على وجه العموم، ونظام الحكم على وجه الخصوص.
كان عصر البعثة النبوية نموذجياً، ذلك أنَّه كان يُسَيَّر بالوحي الإلهي، أُرسِيَت فيه القواعد الراسخة لهذا الدين الحقِّ، وأطاع كلُّ مَن دخل الإسلام الرسول فيما قال أو فعل بِناءً عن اعتقاد وإيمان، إنَّما قول النبي وفِعله كان عن وحي يوحَى إليه مِن الله عزَّ وجلَّ.
أنبأ الرسول الكريم المسلمين، وأمرهم بأن يتَّبعوا مَن يأتي بعده مِن خلفائه، وهو الذي سمَّاهم "الخلفاء الراشدين المهديِّين".
جاء هذ الكتاب لا ليخدم غرضاً سياسياً على الإطلاق، ولكن ليخدم غرضاً إنسانياً اجتماعياً بحتاً، ويهدف لخدمة الإنسان المسلم المعاصِر على صورة مجموعة متسلسلة مِن القصص نتعلَّم منها، بعضها مأساوي مُحزِن، وبعضها مشوِّقٌ مثير، تتعلَّق وتدور حول نقطة وحيدة في التاريخ الإسلامي، وهي "الخلافة الإسلامية"، كيف انتقلَت مِن عصر إلى عصر؟ وكيف تحوَّلَت مِن خلافة بِشورى وبيعة لمُلك عضوض يُوَرَّث توريثاً؟ وكيف انتهَت تماماً كنظام حكم لعموم المسلمين؟ وقد أصبح لزاماً عليهم أن يفكِّروا في نظام اجتماعي بديل منبثق مِن نظام الخلافة الراشدة، ليس بالضرورة أن يكون مطابقاً له، ولكن حتماً يكون متمشِّياً مع الكتاب الحكيم والسُّنَّة المطهَّرة، وأبعد ما يكون عن اتِّباع الهوى.
£17.99 -
Endeavour to Rise – Misdemeanours, Musings, Meditations, Mistakes and Mastery
Autobiography by way of a confessional, this book is a ramble through the author’s experiences, impressions, opinions and ideas formed over seven decades. This autobiography sees the author regret her failed relationships, financial mismanagement, folly and fecklessness. It also sees her celebrate success, achievements, courage and a lifetime of service as a nurse.This book is a call for you to recognize yourself as a unique miracle of creation. It offers some cautionary tales and urges you to rid yourself of guilt, blame and shame and to think for yourself.Exploring the eternal questions about the meaning of life e.g. ‘Why are we here?’, ‘Is there a God?’ and ‘Why is there so much suffering?’, this book invites you to reflect on your own life, your truth and your reality so you can shell your emotional baggage. It can also be seen as an exercise in vanity and self-indulgence.
£7.99 -
Panic Stations at Ski Stations
Conor MacNamara rode more than fifty of the greatest climbs in the Tour de France to try and conquer his fear of heights. In the end, Conor suffered a breakdown and discovered that he suffered from a panic disorder and required treatment. This book documents Conor’s experiences in detail.
£9.99 -
Trademark Dilution
The world has changed materially since the foundation of traditional trademark laws, according to which the purpose of a trademark was to serve as a differentiating source indicator, preventing source confusion in the marketplace. Traditionally, trademarks protected the public from likelihood of confusion, assisted in consumer decisions and reduced search costs.The need to award a special scope of protection to famous trademarks from use on non-competing goods was first discussed in Kodak in 1898, holding that the use of the word Kodak for a bicycle company does not mislead consumers but takes unfair advantage of reputation. However, the most significant point in the evolution of dilution, in its early stages, was the case of Odol decided in 1924, which was the first to acknowledge the need to protect the advertising power of trademarks from being diluted, even in the absence of a likelihood of confusion. This book will provide that dilution is a ‘sui generis’ brand remedy applicable to reputed trademarks in accordance to their aggregated inherent and acquired strength. The book will address the non-harmonised nature of dilution, which reflects a problem in an age of borderless trade and cyber commerce and emphasises the need to answer the question: To what extent should reputed trademarks be protected by dilution beyond the traditional trademark protection from likelihood of confusion?The book includes a proposal for an operative legal framework based on conclusions and distinctions derived from the comparison of dilution, as adopted and interpreted in different areas of the world, comparative case studies and comparison with neighbouring legal rights, such as Tort Law, Unfair Competition, Moral Rights, Equitable Rights, Publicity Rights and Unlawful Enrichment.
£59.99 -
50 Letters from Spirit
50 Letters. 50,000 Daily Thoughts. One Call to Awaken.In 2013, Patricia McDowall started an unusual journey. She became more deeply aware that she was a living spirit in a physical body with a conscious mind, working her way through life to evolve her soul. This sensitivity to a more developed divine existence was taught by her initial spirit guide. But to her surprise, this guide took a physical step back from Patricia’s life. A new guide, Marsilio, marched forward and told the author that they would write a book together. Their joined wisdom would use Patricia’s hand and Marsilio’s thoughts from his time in Renaissance, Italy. Through this rare and previously unexplored path, 50 Letters, A Call to Awaken was created.It is a holistic guide that addresses both the external and internal, and it speaks to mind, body and soul. McDowall offers messages to the world, to humanity, to you – the reader – with love.