The Man Who Bought a Kingdom
Jesus is one of the world’s best-known historical figures, but how well do we know him as a boy and a man? What do we know of his parents? Was his father really a poverty-stricken carpenter and his mother a simple uneducated country girl? Who were his friends and associates? What was his true message and passion? How well did he relate to the women in his life and who was ‘the disciple that Jesus loved’?
This story answers these questions and is based largely on the New Testament gospels, but with the addition of material from other sources. It contains elaborate dialogues and settings, body language and emotional content. His true message is brought to the forefront, and we see the beginning of the first church in Jerusalem. This is the Jesus story as you have never read it before! Revealing a man with incredible spiritual connection but in every other sense a real and masculine man. A man that you will want to know so much more intimately.
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The Mastery of Life
This book analyses and provides insights into eight key parts of a meaningful life, which when mastered, will make big difference in your life. Due to the complexity of our biological make up, it’s almost impossible to cover all relevant topics without losing focus on what’s important. The aim is to give you a starting point so that you can ask yourself questions about who you really are and what you need to do to be the best you can be. Normally, that is only possible by understanding basic holistic principles of your being, such as interaction of your mind, body and consciousness for the creation of the perfection that you are. The main reason is that everything comes from within and everything you will ever need resides right within you and nowhere else. This means that if you want something, look no further than yourself. Because whatever you desire, you already have it within you and when you become consciously aware of it, the universe has no other choice but to abide by your desire.
This book provides you with the starting point of your journey into self-awareness. Here is the brief summary of the topics covered: understanding your thoughts and dreams; the complex relationship of your thoughts and emotions; causes of stress; living in now; the power of self-belief; effective communication; relationships and understanding your body.
Naturally, it will take many books and volumes to truly depict principles behind the mastery of life, but every journey starts with one small step and maybe this book represents that step; the step that will ultimately lead you to master your own life.
£8.99 -
The Matrix of the Mind
There are many phenomena in the current world that defy explanation from mainstream science. This book introduces a revolutionary concept, Matrix Model Theory, which provides a simple, unique and original insight into the events that led to the formation of the cosmos and the establishment of the planet Earth with its life-sustaining environment. The theory further provides an alternative explanation as to how life originated, how mankind became established and describes the most amazing event of all that occurred, i.e., the technological evolution of the human mind. The book, using Matrix Model Theory, explains how the first living cell evolved survived and was able to replicate. The phenomenon of telepathy is examined, and research by several reputable institutions have established that telepathy does exist and has been proven. Its function is explained by the theory. Although not a useful faculty, it provides a valuable insight into the functioning of the human (and animal) mind.
Matrix Model Theory also explains a wide range of animal behaviour including how a hive of bees can function as a ‘super organism’ which means that the bees sometimes behave as though they are partially under the influence of a single mind. Similarly, termites have the amazing ability to coordinate the construction of complex tunnels within their nests. Although blind, they seem to be from the same blueprint. This book is targeted at the general reader who has an enquiring mind and refers to scientific matters that have been explained in easily readable terms.
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The Menopause – A Passing Visit
There is something that all women go through at some point. It is inevitable and spares no one. And the process is overwhelming. Yet, it is hardly talked about, even among closest friends. The result is that every woman has to find things out on her own and then realise that every woman she knew has been going through the same thing.
The Menopause - A Passing Visit recounts what happens when a woman reaches the end of her reproductive years.
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The Miracle at the Rauza of Rasool Allah SAWW
The book The Miracle at the Rauza of Rasool Allah SAWW describes a wonderful dream that the author had. In this dream, the author is visited by numerous angels who fill him with virtues. As a citizen of the world, the author wants to share this dream with the world in order to show the reality of the dream and its message. The angels and the Jins, who are not visible to us, are real creatures who visit the Mosoulium of the Holy Imams of the Aehlebaait and the Rauza of the Rasool Allah Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa SAWW. In this book, the author describes the two angels who visited the Rauza of the Prophet of Islam Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa SAWW. The Noor – the refulgence of the light of the angels – punches a neat round hole in the brick wall and the two angels enter the Rauza through it, travelling in the air to the Rauza.
This dream is so realistic that it should be taken note of in order to lift the convictions and the faith of all people of the world.£11.99 -
The Miseducation of Monique Ross
The Miseducation of Monique Ross, like Ms. Lauryn Hill’s debut album, is a love story: unapologetically in a league of its own with no other author ever utilizing its concept. Each chapter in the book is named after a track from the album. Monique likes to think if Lauryn Hill’s album were a book, it would be this one and vice versa.
It's a controversial feminist memoir that reads like fiction. It's unconventional, touching, strong, immersive, authentic, thought provoking, complex, emotional, powerful, intelligent, uncomfortably bold, direct, daring, unapologetic, inspiring, empowering, uplifting, raw, uncut, erotic and full of emotion and vulnerability. And its word play would leave the late great Maya Angelou proud to know she inspired it. If it could be summed up in one word, it would be self-liberating. There is something in this book for everyone, all told from Monique’s perspective.
To the author that's what sets it apart from anything else because like her, The Miseducation of Monique Ross says all the things that everyone else is afraid to say. It gives out those inner thoughts – the ones you think to yourself and maybe would share with only your closest friends or family members and sometimes simply keep to yourself because they’re that inappropriate. It touches on everything from women's issues, mental health issues, abortion, miscarriages, divorce, dating, parenting, marital issues, family, and most importantly love and other drugs.
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The Most Advanced Clarinet Book
There are 50 short studies with explanations covering many new approaches to technical problems. Followed by 27 full page studies making use of these techniques, as well as covering almost every possible technical problem regarding the clarinet
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The Motoring Adventures of a Baby Boomer
The author’s grandfathers were both employed by the pre-war motor industry. His singer father, John Hanson, would test John’s knowledge of car makes on the long journeys between theatres. He has seen UK car numbers increase tenfold in his lifetime and this is a personal account of his love of classic cars before their success leads to their demise.
The motor car took him around Australia; ending up in Darwin 12 months after cyclone Tracy. He explored the wilderness, whilst as a lawyer he represented the Crocodile Dundees of the Northern Territory.
He has bought over 70 cars, enjoying their beauty, the aural pleasure of the exhaust note and addictive pleasures of oil and petrol.
From Coventry to Darwin and back – an Auto Biography with a difference!
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The Mystery of Operation Alphabet
For many years my knowledge of my grandfather, John Thomas Merrikin, was very limited.
All I knew of him was that he came from Amber Hill, Lincolnshire, and was for many years a police officer in Leicester. At the beginning of WW2, my grandfather was called up into the Naval Reserve first of all on HMS Devonshire, and then Stoker First Class on HMS Acasta.
8th June 1940, grandad John Thomas Merrikin died in the Norwegian fjords after the Scharnhorst, and Gneisenau blew up HMS Acasta, and as they sank into the cruel freezing cold sea Nick Carter launched a torpedo at the Scharnhorst and damaged her quite badly.
It wasn’t until I joined the GLARAC (Glorious, Ardent, Acasta) Association in 2008 that I realised that HMS Ardent, and HMS Aircraft Carrier Glorious, were also bombed by the two German battleships – both the pride of Nazi Germany. The two British destroyers were accompanying HMS Glorious on convoy. I also became aware of a huge conspiracy as to why 1531 servicemen were killed, and only 43 servicemen survived without Admiralty intervention.
During the lockdown of 2020-2021, I decided to do some of my own research on the worst British naval catastrophe of WW2, and I began to write The Mystery Of Operation Alphabet to bring to life 8th June 1940. I did this by putting photographs on as many names of the war dead and survivors as possible to bring them to life too. I also wrote down stories from books and articles of what happened to the war dead and survivors in their own words, and also of their loved ones, rather than writing using my own words, as I wanted the servicemen to have their own voice.
The Mystery of Operation Alphabet has endless photos of the different ships, lists of the war dead, and also I have written down as many explanations and conspiracy theories as possible as to why the three ships were blown up and 1531 men were killed. I did this by bringing to light the opinions and theories of Admiralty, naval historians, government officials, and members of the GLARAC Association so you can make up your own minds as to what happened.
One of my main aims is to bring to light the bravery of commanders Barker and Glasfurd of HMS Ardent, and HMS Acasta, plus Nick Carter, leading seaman of HMS Acasta, the man who shot the Scharnhorst, to hopefully get the government to give these men military honour and recognition for what they did on 8th June 1940. Amazingly, even the commanders of the German battleships saluted the British ships HMS Glorious, HMS Ardent and especially HMS Acasta as they sunk in the Norwegian fjords to honour their bravery.
Last but not least, I would like to uncover why the government has kept the ships’ records under lock and key since 1940, and why they aren’t going to be made public until 2040/41.
So why not read this interesting and intriguing book to find out more?
Elaine Merrikin Trimlett Glover.
£12.99 -
The Naked Negotiator
Would you like a higher salary? Are you nervous and unsure about how to ask? You’re not alone. Research shows that a third of men and more than half of women are uncomfortable asking for a pay rise. This is no trivial matter. Over the course of a typical career, allowing your employer to consistently pay you below the market rate for your role can deprive you of hundreds of thousands of pounds. It doesn’t have to be this way. Engaging and entertaining, The Naked Negotiator will arm you with knowledge and confidence. In what often feels like an unfair struggle between experienced, knowledgeable managers and apparently powerless employees, you need no longer fear this most daunting of career challenges.
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The Needle and the Damage Done
The Needle and the Damage Done is the story of a boy from a small Irish village who became an adventurer, multi-award-winning doctor and physician to the stars. Part travelogue, part thriller, part celebrity tell-all, the memoir is a whirlwind of adventure and a fascinating insight into the colourful life of Dr Patrick Treacy.
Cosmetic doctor Patrick Treacy grew up in rural Northern Ireland during The Troubles. Determined to become a doctor, he raised money for medical school in Dublin by smuggling cars from Germany to Turkey. He studied biochemistry at Queens University Belfast and medicine at the Royal College of Surgeons. While working in a Dublin hospital, he was accidentally jabbed with a needle from an HIV patient. He took blood test after blood test for many years until he was confirmed negative. Initially overwhelmed by the experience, he moved to New Zealand, away from everyone who knew what he was going through: his girlfriend and his colleagues. Thus, he began a peripatetic existence, working as a doctor around the world. In Saddam Hussein’s Baghdad, Treacy was arrested and imprisoned, spending days wondering whether he was going to be hanged as a spy. He worked as a ship’s surgeon in California and with the Royal Flying Doctor Service in Australia. On returning to Dublin, Treacy set up the Ailesbury Clinic where he pioneered the emergent field of cosmetic dermatology, championing treatments regarding the use of botulinum toxin and dermal fillers. His award-winning research brought him numerous international accolades and many celebrity patients, including the King of Pop himself, Michael Jackson, who came flocking to his door.
Central to this memoir is Treacy’s personal journey: his efforts to escape the conflict of The Troubles, coping with the fear that he may have contracted HIV, getting over his lost love and surviving the crippling Irish recession. Most of all, it gives us a fascinating insight into his award-winning research on the influence of Botox ® on the brain and how he developed protocols to reverse the damage being done to patient’s faces as a result of the complications of dermal fillers.
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The Original Idea
A young person struggles with their own mortality after the death of their father. As they ponder this question, the great question which we must all face at some time or another, and filled with anxiety, their thoughts turn to the first law of thermodynamics: ‘the total energy in a system remains constant, although it may be converted from one form to another.’ Perhaps as one being dies, another is born, and life remains but only changes form and shape. Might this experience of suffering provide the key to accepting their own finitude, and help them push through the grief of losing a loved one?
After the death of a beloved parent, a young adventurer known as the Young One embarks on a mysterious journey of metaphorical encounters. Perhaps they can help him understand a dying man’s final words, and finally discover the meaning behind the Original Idea.