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No One Will Hear You Scream-bookcover

By: E J Goldberg-Phillips

No One Will Hear You Scream

Pages: 284 Ratings: 4.7
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Blood feuds rarely end well. Occasionally the hatchet will be buried, but more often than not, it will be in the skull of someone. No One Will Hear You Scream, from the start, narrates the antagonism of a famous author, Ruby Latimer, with a young and ambitious journalist, Lizzie Spector, heroine of Achilles Heel – Your Stalker Solution, author’s first book.

Ruby Latimer has sold millions of books, but the current tome is proving frightfully difficult, ergo finding a suitable ending. Then out of the blue a solution is found. Unfortunately, in order to conceal her successful conclusion, heads may need to roll – quite literally.

Crime will always, unfortunately, be a fact of life. How local gangs develop, expand and terrorize whole estates and communities is also a fact of modern-day living. To some out to protect what they have some gangs offer a lifeline to continuing their privileged life. Ruby Latimer may need to use one if things go pear shape.

This novel contains part of Ruby Latimer’s book. You can reasonably call it the ‘book within the book’, something that whilst at first reading appears irrelevant, but as you continue, the relevance – and the title – becomes all too frighteningly apparent.

This is not a book for the squeamish. It is a genuine adult crime thriller which will keep you guessing as to who has done it! Read on and all will be revealed – maybe!

He may be new to readers, but E J Goldberg-Phillips has decades of writing and life experiences. World travel, politics and environmental activism have connected him with the good and the great including prime ministers, actors, musicians and writers.

Born in Australia, Eddie uses his fertile imagination and wealth of memories to conjure up sinister, at times disturbing, images of the seedier side of life—and death. For him, society divides itself and the fight for wealth competes with that for mere survival.

His debut book, Achilles Heel—Your Stalker Solution, is still available on Kindle and Amazon paperback.

Customer Reviews
18 reviews
18 reviews
  • The Next Chapter with Bookworm

    It’s relatively short (circa 250 pages), it’s an easy read thriller.
    It’s brilliantly written, yet I found it a little sporadic at times- this I believe is however part of the fun. Catching up!
    It was an enjoyable read, although I felt as if something was missing. I’d certainly recommend it to those that enjoy what I’d describe as a ‘cozy thriller’ novel.

  • Sarah Findlay

    I am not a huge fan of thrillers - but Eddie has written a book that twists and turns and keeps the reader interested. I really enjoyed reading it, found I really couldn't wait to find out how it ended. As we say in Scotland, it's a belter.

  • golf bird

    This book grabs your attention from the off. It is very well-written, gruesome in parts but interspersed with humour (probably at inappropriate times) but made me laugh out loud. I enjoyed it immensely and look forward to the author's next offering.

  • Emily Andrews

    Right from the very first page, I was hooked with any novel. That first couple of pages is so vitally important, and the author had me wide-eyed and admittedly gagging a little (a lot) with its rather vividly described sights and the stench of death. Fortunately, this is an adult novel and not a child’s ‘scratch and sniff’.
    Welcome to the deep, damp, and dark places full of blowflies lots of flying revolting things. Oh, and if you happen to be Claustrophobia, skip a few chapters for as Ann- Real Name ‘Andromeda Galaxy Smyth’ from the Kent Police Forensic Unit ‘The heavy team’ will tell you,
    ‘You are in a fucking black hole’

    I was instantly intrigued by the detailed inner workings of Ann’s team of Henry, Lewis, Ralph, and Ritchie, headed by the brooding Jack Jordan, as they discuss the complexities of defending deep into the hell of the well.

    The secrets, 20 ft down, have a lot to hide, and due to Ann’s natural size, shape and dexterity (yes she’s a woman) she’s, against her better judgment, the one to reveal them.

    And so, before she has the chance to reside, our bright-eyed, bushy-tailed Ann is expertly glammed in a blue boiler suit, earpiece, helmet with a camera, tool belt with all necessary equipment abs most importantly a face mask, no one wants to blow flies in any facial orifice.

    After Ann’s grand reveal, and at which point I’m utterly engrossed, the switches abruptly to the introduction of Author Ruby Latimer.

    The author has a naughty but oh, so skilful tendency to drag you right to a storylines (and my nerves) edge, dangling you over, then dragging you back. A theme of which is repeated throughout.

    As a reader, initially, I was frustrated at the switch, I’m impatient. I wanted more of Ann, but all is revealed. Give it time.

    Fortunately, Ruby is one hell of a protagonist. the author has created an addictive, love-to-hate character personality that really came alive.

    Ruby’s story begins here, with the introduction of other well-formed, interesting characters such as research journalist Lizzie Spector. Tasked with the brain-numbing stories at C8 news. Despite her potential. Until she meets the ‘Mad Cow’ that is Ruby.
    Ruby is a coffee powdered zealot.
    She's ruthlessly high maintenance, prima Donna. Ruby is self-opinionated, she’s loud and brash and she’s a narcissist. And, subsequently, our Ruby is alone. No lovers, no children, no stable relations. Libido less- sees sex as anathema to her. (For a while)

    But, Ruby is dependant on nobody but herself, a self-made woman,
    and frankly Ruby views herself as far superior to all us idiots in relationships.

    Ruby’s one irritant is that she is forced to keep up her facade of being nice to sell her books. Oh, the irony.

    Ruby’s facade has however extended to a ‘fan club’, despite Ruby’s disgust.
    Enter Gretchen and Lucinda Turner
    The Turner two shift the novel to some eye-opening sexual heights. And I’m no prude.

    Sex, or indeed lack of, is a pretty strong theme that accrues throughout the novel, in various forms.

    Enter Ruby’s literary agent Arthur Newell. Self-confessed long-suffering, human punch bag, but above all a bloody good agent. The best of the best. Real dog's body.

    Every author needs a publisher, and so, Ruby has Greville Walsh.
    Chauvinistic pic check
    ObscenelyWealthy check
    Dirty old flirt, with an ever-extending List of sexual innuendoes. Check

    Akin to Harvey Veinstone (joke) Arthur’s harmless, really.

    Literary agent Arthur Newell and Greville Walsh are, I quote
    ‘Inextricably Bound together by the cutthroat industry that was their lifeblood, that is Literary ‘sausage machine’ called publishing’

    And Of course the editors, such as our very clever Marion and co. Poor Marion is tasked with reading through Ruby’s ‘snore fest’ of her new book in its original draft, what little there is of it. At this point anyway. Watch this space.

    No ‘sausage machine’ runs smoothly without the little people too, the runners, like sweet virgin Walter Sims. Don’t underestimate him though, he’s got dreams, he’ll go far.

    Collectively, the ‘sausage machine’ wouldn’t exist at all without the myriad of decent authors that pass through their doors, and above

    all else they all need the old Cow Ruby.

    Herein is the beginning of Ruby’s book. The somewhat bizarre tale, the book, within the book. The start of Ruby’s demise.

    ‘Barry and Nancy’ by Ruby Latimer

    Typically Nancy is a trophy wife. Barry married Nancy for her looks and the sex
    Nancy married Barry for the luxury and his money (shock)

    It’s their 19 year anniversary. Set the scene, first-class flight to Rome.
    Mid-flight, Our Nancy sees what she shouldn’t.
    There are men in a black, double-crossing death wish. Big balloons.
    I’ll leave it there, and so did Ruby.
    Ruby is still not sure how to end the story, until a chance encounter, some private advice and a fair lot of sexual gratification. And there is the answer to her problems, and therein, is the start of a scandal and the crux of the novel.

    As well as being a work of fiction, the novel involves some genuine, inside scoop about the process in which a budding author will go through to entice an agent and the editing, publishing, advertising and sales process thereafter.
    Rather interesting and a little terrifying for someone who wishes one day to be a Ruby, without the dodgy personality traits.

    There’s further reference to the overwhelming amount of work sent to publishing houses from USP hopefuls. Sadly, the majority of which, don’t make it past the shredder, or
    If you’re a little luckier stockpiled.

    There are many cleverly entwined strands to the novel, crime, failure, successes, sexuality, self-discovery, relationships, heartache and heart-brake. There are twists and turns in abundance.

    I enjoyed the author's sense of humour and despite it being a crime thriller, I felt myself giggling away.

    The novel is full to the brim of varying storylines, backstories and personalities. There’s times in which I felt it was a little predictable but I enjoyed the process of figuring out who the ghostwriter was.

    It’s a relatively short (circa 250 pages) easy read thriller.
    It’s brilliantly written, yet I found it a little sporadic at times- this I believe is however part of the fun. Catching up.
    It was an enjoyable read, although I felt as if something was missing Having said that I can’t put my finger on the component was.

    I think the novel will fare well with sales. I’d certainly recommend it to close that enjoy what I’d describe as a ‘cosy thriller’ novel.

  • Denismccluskey

    “No One Will Hear You Scream” Must admit I thought I’d scream with some of the gory descriptions of bodies down wells and being cut up on an autopsy table. I steeled myself but survived! This author has got a real gift for taking you to the edge then turning you round and facing you watching something funny. The humour was sporadic but very well done. I thought I’d identified the ghostwriter but nope! Anyway, this book is worth investing in!

  • Higgledy Piggledy

    As quite a fan of whodunnits, I was drawn to Goldberg-Philips' forthright opener - this book, his second novel, ends with such a twist that he confidently doubts any reader will be able to work it out in advance of the reveal. What a cracking challenge to a murder-mystery reader!

    Let's just say - two dead bodies down a well - a successful author, a spirited report, and a lorry load of detectives draw us right into the puzzle from page one - it's got to be one of them, right - right..?

  • Golf bird, Glasgow

    This book grabs your attention from the off. It is very well written, gruesome in parts but interspersed with humour (probably at inappropriate times) but made me laugh out loud. I enjoyed it immensely and look forward to the author's next offering.

  • Gary Wright

    For a second novel, this is an incredibly accomplished piece of writing. Funny, suspenseful and wonderfully sleazy in the right places with well thought out and believable characters. I can see this being adapted for television (get a copy to Channel 4).
    I would highly recommend this book.

  • Janice brown

    This was a different take on how to take revenge and get you’re own way. It was quite erotic and illustrated how crime works. I would recommend this book as something authentic and continually interesting right to the end.

  • Helen Hemphill

    Very well written. Bought it to give in Christmas Eve Box for my Daughter in law who loves scary books.

  • Lindaa

    A really good read with a very unexpected ending.

  • George M Jardine

    There are many characters with very different attributes. Any one of them may be responsible for the crime set out at the beginning of the story. The fun in reading this lies in the constant need to revise your hunches about their identity. Eddie has produced a finely detailed and intriguing tale which I am still reading. So I have yet to find out who did it. Eddie has said that there are more books in the offing. I look forward to more of his truly engrossing crime fiction. I recommend this book to everyone who enjoys well-written stories that exercise the old grey matter. This is Eddie's second book and deserves to be a huge success.

  • Polona

    I read this book with some trepidation. Having seen the advert for it I thought I was in for a gruesome rollercoaster ride. It was a rollercoaster certainly, it was gruesome in parts but it held my attention from the first pages to the revealing of the ghostwriter. EJ Goldberg-Phillips has a talent for keeping you entranced with the depth of his characters and the speed of turn of the storyline. Just when you think you’ve worked out where this book is going it takes you to another level. The exactness of, from conducting autopsies to how the publishing industry operates, warts and all was fascinating in itself. The mental pictures conjured up here, the threats to lives, the sex lives of the characters is handled with a deft hand. I particularly liked some of the interplay, humour even of the Forensic Team and the Orpington gang. I think this is a book worth reading and I can’t wait for the next one.

  • P M Stearman

    Great storyline, interesting characters. Good writing.
    Very gruesome in parts but I've read worse!
    We can often see the results of bad (or no) editing in novels but rarely get to see how it happens. (I'm assuming the author does know something!) We also know authors who lose the plot (literally!) and whose books either, hopefully, get better with time, or sadly don't live up to the early promise.
    Hopefully, we never see what happens when a novelist loses more than just the plot of her novel - and decides to murder everyone who crosses her.

    The different worlds of books and authors (and their fans) contrast with the world of criminal gangs over-reaching themselves - and turn out to be interconnected in plausible if surprising ways.

    The author is the father of a friend ( and I loved the short appearance of a said friend! )and I was given this as a Christmas present by another friend. (So it was paid for!)
    Must read his other books.
    In all - an interesting idea & well put together.

  • Car Wizard

    This was purchased as a birthday present and certainly was a must-read once started. Thoroughly enjoyed it and would recommend it without hesitation.

  • Grainne Begley

    I absolutely loved this book!! A great page-turner that I struggled to put down. Good character development with lots of twists and turns that kept me guessing until the end. I really enjoyed this author's first book too, so I hope we will see a third!

  • Chris

    Excellent Book! Looking forward to more from EJ Goldberg Phillip.

  • Sarah Bentley

    No One Will Hear You Scream by EJ Goldberg Phillips is a secretive twisted journey that led me to be engrossed in the story. At first, I was confused with all the various parts that didn’t seem to be related and was delightfully thrilled to see each of the pieces tying themselves together. The author’s use of detailing each scenario gave the sense that I was a part of the story. I wasn’t sure which characters to love and hate at first, but the villains and heroes became clearer throughout the storyline. I loved the sense of confusion that turned to clarity which kept me reading to find out what puzzle piece would reveal itself next.

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