Step into a whimsical world with Kevin, a curious boy who finds himself in a fantastical realm far from home. Joined by Ben, an extraordinary talking dog, and Pete, a brave young adventurer, Kevin sets out on a quest to reach the enigmatic House of Dreams, the key to returning to their own worlds. Along the way, the trio encounter a colourful tapestry of characters and face trials that test their friendship, courage, and ingenuity. Dive into a story filled with wonder, magic, and unforgettable adventures as Kevin, Ben, and Pete journey toward the ultimate destination that promises a way back home.
W P Ferguson has always been a bit of a joke and loves to tell stories. He is slightly dyslexic so has difficulty reading and writing. Rather than reading from a book, he makes up stories for his grandchildren, and one day, he decided to put pen to paper and write down one of those many stories. With the help of his wife checking his spelling etc., he was able to put a story into words. Hopefully, now lots of other children can enjoy this as well.
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