The YouTube channel BookPotato Interviewed the Author Carmen Powell
The YouTuber BookPotato recently interviewed the author Carmen Powell about her children’s book Matthew and the Magic Goat. Carmen candidly shared her views on writing a book that is empowering and adventurous at the same time. She has used a boy with a prosthetic leg which implies that no matter what, you can always overcome your disabilities. She called the illustrations to be one of the vital elements in composing a children’s book as it enhances their imagination power and also kids are always fascinated by the colours. Her purpose behind using a magical goat is that kids love animals and get curious when one talks about them. BookPotato recommends her book to the readers.
Matthew and the Magic Goat is about a magical goat helping a little boy Mathew find his dog named, Sprite. He loses his dog in the woods while taking a walk. The encounter between the magical goat and Mathew is one of its kind. The rhymes tell you the story and its stunning illustrations keep you hooked till the last page. Get a copy of this beautiful book to know more about the magical goat and courageous Mathew.
The excellent author Carmen Powell is an award-winning teacher and early years’ specialist. She is well known for her contributions in supporting the personal, social and emotional development of the children. She helps kids with communication and language. She created an environment that aimed at empowering and stimulating children. She holds a degree in Literature and History of Art.
Click here to watch this interview by The YouTube channel BookPotato.