Thriller Book ‘Nightshades of New Orleans’ by James Quinn Wins Pinnacle Book Achievement Award
Pinnacle Book Achievement Award has been given to the thriller book, Nightshades of New Orleans, by James Quinn in the category of suspense thriller. For the last 39 years, the National Association of Book Entrepreneurs presents one of the most awesome books published by its members. This award is a great honour for the writer of the book, James Quinn, who has presented a sheer masterpiece in the form of this story. Read the complete award story here.
Nightshades of New Orleans is a thriller revolving around vampires, genetic research and hunting for a serial killer. This book keeps the reader at the edge of the seat with its interesting turns and plot twists. It also covers the history of New Orleans which is a major highlight of this book. If you are fond of reading suspense and thriller, then it’s a must-read. You can click here to access Nightshades of New Orleans.
James Quinn, resides in South Carolina. He loves to write fiction and has also written a novel titled ‘The Vampire’s Orchids.’ James is an attorney by profession.