Teenage Fiction Novel Naughty in Pink by David Ian was featured on Bookbuzz.net

Teenage Fiction Novel Naughty in Pink by David Ian was featured on Bookbuzz.net

Bookbuzz.net has uplifted the Juvenile Fiction Novel Naughty in Pink by David Ian by providing a brief synopsis of the novel. Bookbuzz.net also gave a concise introduction about the author and praised his writing skills. Bookbuzz.net has a wide viewership that will appreciate the novel.

Naughty in Pink is a must read novel about a young jolly girl with the tendency to cause mayhem and always keep up on the cloud. David Ian has beautifully portrayed young Daisy as a colourful and loved protagonist. The novel provides elements of teenage mischief and a fun cat & mouse game between the protagonist and her school principal as she is bent on uncovering Daisy as an alleged gang leader. The Novel grasps the reader’s attention as the story progresses towards witty and unexpected events.

The illustrious author David Ian has published numerous papers in geology but where his heart truly lied was in writing fiction. After getting a PhD, He was awarded an Honorary DSc from the University of
Western Australia. David started his writing career with the novel The Digital Apocalypse, Naughty in Pink would be his first children’s book.

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