Saxby Pridmore’s Book Reviewed by George Thomas

Saxby Pridmore’s Book Reviewed by George Thomas

George Thomas has reviewed the bookSink or Swim written by Saxby Pridmore. He appreciated our incredible author’s book saying, “I finished this wistful, funny, wise book wishing it were longer.” George Thomas wrote an elaborated review and it was published in the September issue of Quadrant.


Sink or Swim is a memoir in which the author has discussed his journey from a disturbed childhood towards a successful adulthood. The author’s birth after WWII led him to suffer from dyslexia. His teachers and neighbors helped him to get out of the mental illness. He used to write professional papers and books. His writings include the darkest incidents as well as the humorous parts.

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Saxby Pridmore was born at the end of World War II and suffered from dyslexia in childhood. Despite the disturbing mental health, he had a successful academic career. He became a boxing champion and also a poet. Now, he is teaching psychiatry at the University of Tasmania in Australia.