Renowned Blogger “Samama Reads” Reviewed Life’s Tales and Little Misfit

Renowned Blogger “Samama Reads” Reviewed Life’s Tales and Little Misfit

Samama Reza, a blogger, a columnist and a book lover reviewed Austin Macauley author, S.D Grunin’s book, Life Lessons and Tales of Little Misfit.
Samama Reza reviewed the book in the most realistic way while talking about being a fan of the 8-year-old girl in the story that deals with bullies courageously. Samama discussed in her review how this story brought out the inner child in her and how beautifully the author addressed some major childhood problems every child and his/her parents go through. You can also find this review on Instagram through Samama’s blog!


The book is put down based on a little girl “Ivy Sue Klutz” who has been dealing with criticism and bullying throughout her childhood. This book provides readers with a helpful message that it is perfectly normal not to fit in; not everyone is the same. S.K. Grunin narrates how children perceive events and incidents and how they react to it.


S.K. Grunin, having experience in the federal and education sectors, is a consultant, a coach and most importantly, a mother that likes to communicate about general issues and matters. Along with the writing hobby, S.K. Grunin likes to spend most of her time painting and discovering all forms of art.


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