Radio One Chicago interviewed the Passionate Precious Allen
Precious Allen - the author of ‘Love YOU for YOU!’- was at the Radio One Chicago studios for an interview in early February. The author is a firm believer in global citizenship and raises her voice for human rights wherever she can make a difference. The radio station spoke to her about her work and why she felt prompted to write the book.
She is a teacher in Chicago, Illinois. Her passion of equality throughout the world is what inspired her to pen this story. The words are meant to inspire children and adults alike.
The aim of the title is to ensure that anyone who is working towards humanitarian goals, continues to do so. Activists and social workers can feel heartened by the words that Precious has written.
The masterful words will charm the readers and perform the duty that they are meant to, which is raising awareness about the diversity that surrounds us.
We have to practice acceptance and the author delivered this beautiful message in the most effective way.
Contents of the storybook are more relevant in modern times because of the current global outlook. In a time when intolerance is the law of the land and people are discriminated against for all sorts of reasons, this amazing read has become a positive force.
For more information on the interview, please visit