Nyika, I Love You Gets Reviewed
Nyika, I Love You, authored by Alice Vye Henningway, has received many positive reviews since it launched. Apart from reviews from civil society members, the book has been praised and appreciated by newspapers, journals and celebrities. You can read one such feature in the New Zealand Herald here. The author has also undertaken a lot of book reading, book discussion and book signing activities which speak of the growing popularity of her work.
Nyika, I Love You, is the story of two young women growing up while the then Rhodesia witnessed seismic changes amid tumult and chaos. The tale recounts their friendship, their work for the rural and environmental conservancy, and the sustenance of their relationship under immense scrutiny. You can order the book here.
Alice Vye Henningway lived an eventful and fulfilling life in Zimbabwe. She has worked all her life for the environment and its conservation. She currently resides in Bangkok and is working on her next book.