Living Adaptive Recorded a Podcast with Stephen Mackelprang
Stephen Mackelprang was in a podcast interview with Scott Davidson at Living Adaptive. The podcast lasted for about an hour. Stephen Mackelprang spoke at length about his life and his autobiography titled The Hop About. Stephen is an inspirational figure and his podcast interview worth listening to. The comedian that he is, the talk was studded with jokes here and there. He shared what inspired him to record his life in a book. You can listen to the full interview here.
The Hop About records Stephen’s adventures he undertook all alone. He dared enough to make it to the Death Valley. But it wasn’t always blood rushing energy that drove him. There was addiction and crazy ‘hopping’ caused by addiction which kept him roaming here and there. In the end, he only discovered that the best cure and healing is a good dose of laughter. Now he enjoys a good repute as a comedian, an adventurer, and a writer.