Join Eugene Pike as He Speaks to Susan Vickers of the Wolverhampton’s Own! 101.8 WCR FM
Our brilliant author, Eugene Pike, spoke to Susan Vickers on her podcast, The Mid Morning Show on Friday, 28th August. The podcast is broadcasted every day by Wolverhampton’s Own! 101.8 WCR FM. The 101.8 WCR FM is the Community Radio Service for the City of Wolverhampton, highlighting good news stories, informing the listener of how a project, scheme or activity will benefit the community. In his conversation, the author delved into his life, his writing journey and the inspirations which stirred him to write The Crime Collection. He is now working on his next book, the author revealed.
The Crime Collection is a thrilling story of four detectives, two private and two from the police. This adventurous crime saga takes the readers into the investigations of four murders—a boy, two girls and a student, led by the detectives. The story takes an interesting turn when one of the detectives finds that the fourth murder—a girl who was killed in a bus station—was the love of a police officer. Who are the killers and would these detectives catch them? To unfold the complete story, order your copy here at 30% off now.
Eugene Pike was born in the West Midlands. After leaving school early, he worked in two day-centres doing different jobs, from a canteen assistant to a woodworker. He also worked in a bingo hall in his late seventies. While writing, he takes inspiration from real-life events and people.