Jessica Parish’s Book The Adventures of Pugalugs: The Beginning Was Featured on Multiple Instagram Accounts
The kids’ storybook The Adventures of Pugalugs: The Beginning by Jessica Parish was featured on the following pugs Instagram accounts:
Flossie (flossiethepug)
Bodie and Spanky (bodiespanky)
Edd (eddthepug)
These accounts have more than 186,000 followers combined. Each of the accounts declared the book amazing and fun read for the children and their parents.
The book is brilliantly written by Jessica Parish. The children’s storybook has striking pictures narrating the story of a puppy who is yet to unfold his surroundings one by one. It is a remarkable and fanciful bedtime read for your young ones.
Jessica Parish hails from the UK. She is an amazing emerging talent and the author of children’s books. She can innovatively write and put her imagination in a story. She aims to see her books being adapted for television.