Informative and Enjoyable ‘Jimmy the House Spider’ receives a review

Informative and Enjoyable ‘Jimmy the House Spider’ receives a review

Children are aptly entertained by ‘Jimmy the House Spider’, while they get a lot of useful information from it as well. Raymond Davies’ book is a perfect read for young readers.

The lovable Jimmy lives in a grandfather’s pocket and has all sorts of adventures. The idea behind the book is to educate children and adults about the living things that are spending their lives around them.

Many of us fear these critters but most of them are harmless.

This little adventure is here to teach us all that spiders that live in our homes shouldn’t be feared. These creatures have a part to play in our environment and learning more about them is fascinating.

The story clearly shows the dangers that the little house spider faces and how they can all be removed with just a little attention.

Raymond lived in the North East of England. He was an engineering consultant by profession. His passions include music, singing and writing.

He currently resides in North Yorkshire and spends his free time composing music and writing.

He has eight grandchildren who inspired him to write this book.

Read the illuminating review of the book by visiting this link