Independent Online Featured the Book 10 Sojourner's Tales by Micho Sangera

Independent Online Featured the Book 10 Sojourner's Tales by Micho Sangera

The book 10 Sojourner's Tales by Micho Sangera was featured by the Independent Online website on 15th July 2019. The author Micho Sangera amongst other things told the website the reasons for writing his book 10 Sojourner’s Tales. He shared that he has many stories to tell and said this is one of the reasons he penned down this book. He added that his book offers humour and challenges the vocabulary of youngsters born post-ICT revolution and are in the main associated with shorter attention spans. To this end, the author intentionally uses the odd difficult word so as to entice the reader to search for word meaning, thus making reading a “labour of love”. He also says that readers in middle age or in their twilight years will certainly find something to delight them.

The book 10 Sojourner's Tales has different characters who describe or recount what are in effect fictional events and experiences, from their own perspectives. One would assume there’s a grand narrator and various focalising characters. The book covers the unpredictability of relationships, more especially friendships; the theme of loss and the different ways in which individuals respond to surprising or shocking revelations. The author focuses on the storytelling approach more than the characters in an emotional roller-coaster with a humorous touch.

The author Micho Sangera is based in South Africa. He is a commercial writer for a media house and a practising journalist. He calls literature his first love.

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