Fareham Library Hosted Book Reading Ceremony for John Bell’s ‘Epitaph on a Beech Tree- A Tale of the Great War 1899-1935’
The Fareham Library recently held a book reading ceremony in regards to John Bell’s ‘Epitaph on a Beech Tree- A Tale of the Great War 1899-1935’. The author read the book at the event and answered a lot of listeners’ questions about the book.
This book is a biography that revolves around the love story at the times of Great War. It records the life of another ordinary man all of whose archives have been lost like most of the people. Ben Robinson who was a miner by profession becomes a dispatch rider during the War but has always opposed the notions of ‘King, Country, and religion’.
Although he serves with honor and distinction in the field and earns the Military Medal, he loses his sense of purpose and is left grasping at straws. After his service in the military, he encounters an unfulfilling relationship that helps him in finding his lost spirituality and some balance in his life. The story is gathered from the archives of the divisional War Diaries, observations, and anecdotes.
The author, John Bell was born in Nottingham. He left school at the earliest with not much to gain but became a head teacher and was invited to join Ofsted. His work in music is known best in the UK till the day. He is a successful jazz drummer who is currently working for adults with learning disabilities.