Charles Towlson Featured in Dispatch

Charles Towlson Featured in Dispatch

Charles Towlson, the author of Fallen Roads, has recently been featured in a local news site, Dispatch. The article praises the author for publishing his first novel at the age of 70 years. You can read the article here.

Fallen Roads is a mystery novel that grips the readers right from the get-go. Set in a traditional English village and all the intricacies laid therein, the novel takes the reader on a journey of fear and paranormal activity as Inspectors try to find some clues to solve a pressing issue. This novel hooks from the first page and keeps one engaged till the last. You can order the book here.

Charles Towlson is 70 years old and retired. He loves writing, gardening, and the occasional tennis game. He has been a lifelong writer and has more than 12 published titles. He has been married for 29 years and his son, Zak 21, is also a published author.


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