The Caledonians Reviewed by Book Corner News and Reviews
The famous book reviewing website, Book Corner News & Reviews posted a review of The Caledonians by Yvonne Ridley in a blog written by Angela. Angela herself praised and mentioned the review of Marcella Milbanke from WTX News. The review states, “The book is meant to be for young adults but, it will appeal to all ages especially those interested in Scotland as seen through the eyes of the mysterious Scottish history master, Mr Petrie.” Click here to read the full review.
The Caledonians is based on a Scottish history master, Mr Petrie. He has been through dangerous scrapes and encounters during his time-travelling missions. There comes a young apprentice, Duncan Dewar, who has secrets too. Their lives are indelibly linked. Read the complete story here.
Yvonne Ridley is a British journalist, working in the media for four decades. Dramatic scenery, surroundings of Scottish farm and violent history of the borders inspired her to create her first fictional book.