Brian Robson’s Adventure Filled Biography Gets Featured By SciencePost

Brian Robson’s Adventure Filled Biography Gets Featured By SciencePost

Our very own Brian Robson and his biographical book, The Crate Escape, got reviewed in a French Science Magazine, SciencePost, on 26th April 2021. Written by Yohan Demeure, the review post told the readers about the adventurous and courageous journey of Brian Robson in 1962. To read more about this risky endeavour, click here.


The Crate Escape tells the real-life story of Brian Robson, who in 1962 got homesick in Australia, where he had come to work but couldn’t afford a return ticket to his homeland. Unable to go back to the UK and in desperate need of money, Brian Robson decided to airfreight himself in a wooden box, which was a cheaper option than an aeroplane ticket. What was supposed to be a 36-hour flight turned into a five-day-long journey which could easily cost him his life. Find this adventurous read here.


Born in the UK in 1945, Brian Robson had always liked to travel and has thus visited many countries. This book also narrates his adventurous journey from Australia to the UK.