A Blog Post Appeared on Austin Macauley’s Famous Author – Brian Robson

A Blog Post Appeared on Austin Macauley’s Famous Author – Brian Robson

Brian Robson’s fascinating biography titled ‘The Crate Escape appeared in a blog post named ‘The On-line Buzzletter.’ The blog post, published on April 22nd 2021, shared the incredible story of Brian Robson and two of his Irish friends who helped Brian by nailing him in a crate and uploading him to airfreight. The author is looking up for those two friends, Paul and John, whose surnames he doesn’t remember. To read more of this interesting post, click here.


The Crate Escape tells the story of a high-risk endeavour Brian Robson undertook, to reach his home in the UK. He went to Australia for work but quickly realized that he cannot live there. As he couldn’t get back to the UK because of high plane tickets and incomplete documents, Brian came up with the idea of getting himself shipped to the UK, which was comparatively a cheaper option. Although it was strictly opposed by his friends in the beginning, they later gave in to his idea and helped him. But fate had something else in store for him. The flight which was thought to carry him to London in 36 hours took five days instead. He did ultimately reach home but not before going through life-threatening conditions.

Brian Robson was born in the UK in the year 1945. He was 19 when he got to Australia for work. From a very young age, he has liked to travel and visited many countries in Europe and South-East Asia.