Blog Interview of Sarah Priest by Kate Kreates on book ‘Love, Life and Death in a Teacup’
The author Sarah Priest was recently interviewed by Kate Kreates. As Kate covered in a blog interview regarding her book ‘Love, Life and Death in a Teacup’. The author told about herself and even her childhood. Sarah told during the interview that poetry writing is a comparative new hobby that she has started. When asked about her book she said this was her first book of poems, which gives insight into her life.
Poetry about ‘Love, Life and Death in a Teacup’, telling stories of love, loss and hope. She reflects on falling in love and watching as her mother slowly lost her mind to dementia. All this happened over the classic pastime of having a cup of tea.
Sarah Priest loves nature, gardening, Science fiction, and tea, as these have had a great impact on her collection of poems.
To know more about this interview click here