BH Living Magazine gave a Book Review of ‘The Hallenbeck Echo’ by Stephen F. Clegg.
Recently, Stephan F. Clegg’s book ‘The HallenBeck Echo’ has been reviewed in the BH Living Magazine. The review has put forward Stephen’s work in such a way that the reader wants to pick up a copy and read from cover to cover. A frank positive light has been shed on the book.
When Nazi Germany was on the rise in 1933 in the research facility K1, a weapon was created to deter any kind of specialist weapons. What happens when this specific weapon is so dangerous than expected? What if the result of test use is so horrifying that the researchers stopped and began a rebellion? ‘The Hallenbeck Echo’ is a story about the development by research facility K1 and how it would have developed until 2007. Bringing the police in conflict with MI5, which uncovers the past that is governed by the Official Secrets Act 2087. It is a thriller, to say the least.
Stephen Clegg was born in 1947 in Stockport. After running a business of his own he retired in 2008. Now he is happily spending his days with his wife, children, and grandchildren. He wrote his first Novel in 2012, Maria’s Papers followed by his second novel in 2013. His books were nominated for prestigious awards. His second book ‘The Matthew Chase Legacy’ was a finalist in the The People's Book Prize in 2013/14.