Who's In Charge?
Who’s in Charge?, written by Eddie Gallagher, is a book aimed at helping parents unravel the mysteries of violent and abusive children. For those who don’t have difficult teenage children, this book will come as something of a thunderbolt as the misery that some parents and families endure is not well-documented or discussed. For those whose children are reasonably normal and average, this will come as something of a relief! Never again will you complain about sour faces, bad moods and bombsite bedrooms.Eddie Gallagher’s main objective is to explore the facts and expose the taboo that surrounds the concept of children perpetrating violent acts upon their parents. However, Who’s in Charge? contains a mine of information about family relationships, about emotions in general and stacks of advice about good parenting, so this is a book that every parent would benefit from reading. It will also be of interest to professionals and academics as there has been little written on this topic, and nothing with such scope. Candid, non-judgmental, certainly not sanctimonious and full of humour, Eddie Gallagher is able to take this difficult and largely hidden topic and expose it. Other topics are covered which would be of interest to any parent – the effect of social media and the internet, an increasing lack of respect towards authority in society – and the author also touches on the issue of violent abuse between adults within relationships plus the input of healthcare professionals and the moral minefield they face, all in all a veritable mine of information. Accessible, relevant and easy to read, every part of this book will impact someone somewhere, whether they have children or not.
£17.99 -
Wild Imaginings: A Brontë Childhood
This book will take you into the lives of the six Brontë children who were raised in Haworth Parsonage on the edge of the West Yorkshire Moors. Discover the world of a Victorian childhood and how the children dealt with isolation, the harsh education system and death. Read about how the children used the graveyard surrounding their garden as a playground and how they found solace in making up stories of imaginary islands, kingdoms and people. Reality and imagination mingled and spread so that they lived in a fantasy world of ghosts, horror, religion, disease, war, scientific discovery, love and humor; here anything could happen. Learn about the background to the childhood of those who were to become such remarkable authors. This book is as accurate in its factual content as it is fascinating in its fantasy.
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Working at the End of the World: An Antarctic Diary
This honest, terrifying as well as humorous account of travelling and working in the magnificence of Antarctica will allow the reader to visualize and feel the harshness and beauty of the great white continent.The main body of the book is the diary account of a two-person deep field research trip. This is about being out in the remote mountains and glaciers facing up to extreme adversity in the coldest place on the planet while retaining one’s sense of humour; the psychology of spending time tent-bound in extreme isolation with just one other person and an honest reflection at the sad moments while being in a storm-bound tent, dwelling on life back in England. There is humour throughout, and the real and honest fear that one feels when in truly dire situations hundreds of miles from safety. The opening chapters look at the author's six-week ocean journey from England to Antarctica on the research ship ‘The RRS John Biscoe’.
£8.99 -
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
A London estate agent finds himself on the wrong side of the law one night, leading to the loss of his driving licence, his job and his home. He decides to visit Spain for a change of scenery but gets more than he bargains for when before long, misfortune, circumstance and a degree of stupidity land him in more trouble than that which brought about his downfall back home.One night in Marbella, armed with more Dutch courage than common sense, he rescues two people from a burning hotel, but in the process is falsely accused of arson and manslaughter and thrown in a Spanish jail. ‘Aided' by a UK tabloid journalist, whose sole objective is to create shock headlines, David's gripping real life account has had readers leaving 5* reviews on Amazon in their hundreds.***** Story sinks its claws into you and doesn't let go. ***** Read many books, but this one tops the lot!***** Best book I've read in a very long time! ***** It should be a movie! ***** I'm reading it for the third time, it's that good!
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Yoga De-Mystified
"Shiv Sharma is an inspiring yoga teacher who is also a scientist. His upbringing in India gave him a sound understanding of the development of Indian philosophy whilst his subsequent scientific training instilled an essential desire to explain the world and seek justification for whatever is asserted. As a yoga teacher, he applies these principles by separating what is non-testable, or downright wrong, from what is measurable, understandable and repeatable; his mantra in class is to question, understand and apply well-directed effort." - Dave Plummer, ex-Head of Medical Imaging, University College London Hospital and Lesley Whitby
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I Can Fly in My Dreams: Conception to Manifestation
I have known this remarkable young man for several years, and it was evident from our first meeting that he was a devout man of God. This is reflected not just in his beliefs, but in the aura of confidence he exudes, stemming from his deep commitment and thorough study of God’s word.
In this autobiography, he narrates a significant chapter of his life, making it particularly resonant for those who have grown up or are currently growing up in the church. His narrative is open, transparent, authentic, and revealing. James shares pivotal moments from his life, offering insights into the experience of growing up in a Christian household.
For readers from non-Christian backgrounds, this book provides an enlightening glimpse into a path filled with strategies for success in various life aspects. James’ journey is a testament to the existence of a higher power, challenging conventional science and logic, and compelling the reader to reconsider their views on religion. The evidence he presents is thought-provoking and demands contemplation.
Throughout the book, James delves into various themes and life lessons that have shaped him into the man he is today. His story invites readers to ponder the future chapters of his life. This compelling narrative promises to be a source of inspiration and guidance for many, especially those grappling with their own Christian journey.
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Now and Evermore
Embark on a thrilling journey through the kaleidoscope of Sarojini’s extraordinary life, where happiness dances hand in hand with adventure, and every page brims with excitement and wonder. From the heartwarming highs to the adrenaline-pumping escapades, she has been graced with a life overflowing with joy and contentment.
Prepare to be swept away by the enchanting tapestry of Sarojini’s remarkable adventures and captivating experiences. This book isn’t just a story; it’s an invitation to join her on a rollercoaster of emotions, where every moment is a treasure waiting to be uncovered.
So, dear reader, fasten your seatbelt and get ready for a ride of a lifetime. Dive into the pages of Sarojini’s book and let the magic of her world ignite your own sense of wonder and delight.
Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime? Happy reading!£8.99 -
Surviving Smoking Mirrors: My Reflection
Surviving Smoking Mirrors: My Reflection is a candid chronicle of Alliey’s tumultuous relationship with Josh, tracing its journey from the beginning to its bitter end, and the myriad challenges she faced along the way. Following the collapse of their marriage, Alliey finds herself entangled in a complex property settlement while enduring ongoing gaslighting and abuse from Josh. Concurrently, Josh plunges into a hedonistic lifestyle.
Amidst these trials, Alliey’s son, Camden, begins to show worrying injuries following visits with Josh, adding to her mounting concerns. As Alliey grapples with supporting Camden, her own battle with anorexia spirals dangerously out of control, threatening to cost her everything. This story is a raw and unflinching exploration of the struggles faced in the aftermath of a tumultuous relationship, highlighting the resilience and determination needed to persevere through adversity.
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Pronoia: The Stoic Providence
In the vast expanse of the mind lies a space, delicately poised between tangible reality and the ethereal unknown. This realm, governed by the unwavering justice and cosmic reason of the logos, is familiar to only a select few: philosophers who grasp its profound significance. Within Pronoia: The Stoic Providence, the spotlight is cast not on a linear history of Stoicism, but on its deeper theoretical underpinnings. The narrative delves into the Stoics’ understanding of humanity’s place within this living logos and the contrasts between these philosophical beliefs and the martial character of the Roman state. As the text unfolds, readers are introduced to how Stoic thought shaped the vision of an ideal state and the role of the principate from Augustus to Marcus Aurelius. Critical questions emerge: Why did the Stoic circle uphold the ‘optimus civis’ and dismiss certain emperors they deemed unworthy? How did iconic Stoic figures like Cato the Younger and his nephew Brutus become symbols of philosophical resistance against the early empire’s less ‘enlightened monarchs’? Only the philosopher-king, wielding the wisdom of both worlds, can bridge these realms, bestowing upon his subjects a understanding of their cosmic destiny.This exploration illuminates the intricate intersections of philosophy and politics within the Stoic worldview.
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Central Bank Conmen
Where does money come from? This provocative question lies at the heart of a compelling narrative that delves into the intricate world of finance and governance. The book exposes the absolute monopoly held by governments in the creation of money, a process often shrouded in mystery and misconception. It reveals how governments, regardless of their form – be it empires, kingdoms, democracies, dictatorships, or other structures – have historically manipulated the money creation process.The narrative unfolds to show how governments, under the guise of independence, instruct central banks to generate money, thereby profiting the government at the expense of its citizens. This deception is likened to historical practices where Kings and Emperors debased precious metal coins for personal gain. In today’s digital age, the technique has evolved, but the essence remains the same: governments create money digitally and introduce it as an unrepayable debt, effectively siphoning value and wealth from the populace.This insightful book not only uncovers the hidden mechanics of monetary systems but also sheds light on the real losers in this game: everyday individuals like you and me. It’s a revealing exploration of how financial systems and governmental policies intertwine, impacting the wealth and well-being of global citizens.
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Held by a Thread
What was your experience of art in school? Was it all doilies, cheap paint, and crusty brushes? Or was it better than that but you still wondered why it seemed to be the runt of the educational litter. In this humorous, engaging, and thought-provoking book, Anna Cutler, a leading figure in art education, takes you on a journey through her personal experiences and reflections on the value of art in schools. By the end you’ll come to realise that the stakes are surprisingly high for the social, emotional, and intellectual development of our children. It is an impassioned plea to nourish, within and beyond schools, the one resource that will never run out: the human capacity to create.“Engagingly informal and on a take-it-or-leave-it basis, this wise and witty book can be absorbed quite effortlessly in one sitting. It leaves you with the sense that you’ve enjoyed one-on-one tuition from the favourite teacher you never had.” Dr Shane Kinghorn, Manchester Metropolitan University.“I learned a great deal reading this book and laughed in all the right places. It is a powerful, persuasive ‘Call to Arts’.” Andrew McGuinness, author.
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Brainwashed and Back
Do you ever wonder why things happen the way they do? Is there a higher intelligence I can tap into to create better outcomes? Do I truly know myself or can I reshape my personality to access superpowers?
In this extraordinary journey, the author Ivana Basilotta delves into her experiences so far removed from the ordinary that at the time felt unreal. Spurred by a deep curiosity, her quest to understand a fuller story of the self unfolds, a story which transcends the limitations of a single lifetime. Ivana’s adventure of discovery compiled in this book will take you on a voyage from gloom to bliss.
This inspirational collection is a reminder of your inherent beauty and power, and your worthiness of life’s richest blessings. Whether you are young or old, a dreamer, an artist or a creator, if you yearn to live your life to its fullest, this book will trigger a remembrance of your embedded ability to know that we are all incredible beings with untapped superpowers fully capable of achieving our most cherished dreams, no matter where we find ourselves in life’s journey. Are you ready to unleash your superpowers?