The Padre was a Hooker
The commandment “Thou shalt not kill,” would seem to make it unlikely that a committed Christian would ever choose to pursue a career in the armed forces, where killing the enemy is, at the very least, a real possibility.
Becoming an army chaplain might well be seen as an even more astonishing choice for someone seeking to serve God.
And yet, the British armed forces have had chaplains since the beginning of warfare itself. Men and women from the traditional established churches who accompany the troops into the very face of the foe, seeking to care for the spiritual and moral welfare of the troops.
Despite all the changes in the society and warfare, the decrease in church attendance and the weakening of the spiritual profile of our nation, military leaders still want a padre to accompany them into action.
For 40 years, Stephen Blakey was one of these padres. With humour and insight, he shares the joys and the struggles of being the ‘man of God’ amongst what is sometime a pretty ungodly community.
£9.99 -
The Penzance Smash
This is a story about love and family. It captures a period in time, the post-war era, when people were beginning to put their lives together again after the horrors and shortages caused by the Second World War. Whole communities were springing up all over the United Kingdom in newly built housing estates and this story is focused on one family within such an estate. It also tells of a sport, homing pigeon racing, which was once so very popular amongst the working classes but has now almost disappeared.
Through this setting, the author evokes a very moving and visual tale of the hardships faced by one family and recounts how one man brought up two young boys, giving them the best life that he could. There were no manuals or self-help groups then, but this man quietly went about raising his boys and teaching them the values that he believed would be necessary for their futures. He taught them to be independent, to be respectful and to never give up matter what life threw at them. Most importantly, he showed them what real love is.
£6.99 -
The Pocket Guide to a Sales Career
The Pocket Guide to a Sales Career is written to help anyone who wishes to make a career in sales. Tony Yardley is not a regular author who wishes to promote a small part of his job as his inspiration. He has spent over 50 years in sales and he wishes to pass it on to anyone that is seriously considering taking it up as a career. It is aimed at people leaving school or college or anyone changing careers in mid-life.
This book tries to cover as many aspects of sales as possible including interviews with professionals. Some of these might items might seem basic depending on your experience but please persevere, because a reminder of what you already know can be as good as learning it the first time.
A successful career in sales will give you a skill set that you will be able to transfer to many other businesses, whether you’re employed or self-employed, and will always give you an income even into old age.
Selling is not about getting someone to buy what they do not want. In fact, it is about selling something to someone that improves their business or their life.
Success in any business is to identify a market and supply that market.
£6.99 -
The Power of Being Known: A Heart-Centered Journey Connecting to Self, Earth, Lineage, and Love
The heart’s technology is more advanced than a cell phone and is the first organ to be created while you’re in your mother’s womb - chosen to be first for a Divine reason. Connecting to the heart daily is the key to gaining access to the truth, wisdom, love, and healing you are worthy of receiving.
To know yourself begins by knowing that you are one cell, one of many, and together, co-create your heart and entire Being.
Choosing to know yourself from deep within and allowing yourself to be known opens the heart to be seen, loved, heard, felt, and supported in the present moment– which means you get to experience the richness of life wholeheartedly.
This book shines light on what’s been hidden underneath the surface and gently leads you on an inner exploration for you to feel safe and empowered to alchemize fears, integrate a new way of Being, embody the truth and power of who you are, and love your Self (your cells) from the inside-out.
This book can be read over and over again to support you in every phase of your heart-centered journey.
So, let’s begin!
Be still, feel, ask, listen, breathe, receive,
and know.
– Dr. Sofia Costa
£7.99 -
The Price Tag Is on You
What price tag are you wearing?
Moulds us into human resources
buy our time
label us since birth
sells our attention and emotions
packages our bodies
manipulate our minds and souls
turns us into semi-gods & semi-robots
But behind each of these systems there is a secret. One that can help you work with them, change them and turn them to your and humanity’s advantage.
£9.99 -
The Professional Approach to Sculpting the Human Figure
The Professional Approach to Sculpting The Human Figure is the first book by Andrew Sinclair MRSS SWAC, recognised as a master of world-class figurative sculpture.
It is based on Andrew’s ground-breaking Sinclair Method, as taught at The Sculpture School, which completely transforms the building and creation of Contemporary Realist sculpture. This method is revolutionising the approach to sculpture, also acting as a powerful source of knowledge, enabling students searching for excellence to become professional masters of their art.
This book deals with the foundations of good figurative sculpture and offers a profound understanding of measurement, anatomy, design and composition in an easy to understand format that will inspire established sculptors and beginners alike.
So if you want to raise your game and lift your sculpture talents to a professional level – this book is dynamite! Consider it food for the sculptural soul.£40.99 -
The Questions Put by Jesus
Questions are revealing. It is exciting, therefore, in this book to study not only how Jesus’ use of questions characterises his ministry and his style of teaching, but also how those questions reveal his train of thought as events unfold, and what they reveal about him as a person in relation to himself, his neighbour, his environment, and God. This book engages with the milieu and the different Gospel accounts of Jesus’ life. It examines 108 of his questions in some detail together with their parallels, amounting to 299 questions in all. It explores Jesus’ use of questions to promote his teaching and ministry and sometimes, more aggressively, to defend his disciples or discomfort and discredit his critics and opponents.
Hopefully, being alive to the questions put by Jesus and even wondering, perhaps, how we might answer some of them, helps to sharpen our personal beliefs.
£9.99 -
The Rainbow Portal of Beliefs
Dear Reader, how do you feel about your life? Is it fulfilling and meaningful? Or do you feel that something is missing? During my life journey, I realised that each of us has a mission or a call, which we often tend to be more or less conscious about. And when we succeed in finding it, we become highly motivated to realise it as it provides us with our deepest longings. The call goes far beyond what you can experience through your normal senses and beyond what natural science can explain. Essential human topics like faith, hope and love belong to different concepts, which cannot be proved but only experienced. Furthermore, you will discover that if you identify your call and live it out accordingly, you will experience the most fulfilling and meaningful life. Even better, you become the best version of yourself. As a bonus, you will have an apparent reference whenever you need to make choices that have a far-reaching impact on your life. This book provides you with different perspectives and tools that can encourage you to become the driver in your life. As an aspiration, we follow the complete lifecycle of a person named Senius, who realised during his journey of why be satisfied with less, and learn about all his considerations to find and realise his call. The symbols below illustrate Senius’ call. May you find inspiration to develop your potential for an enriching life that will make you shine like a lighthouse and as an exemplary citizen of the global community. With these wishes, I send you my regards in the name of love and wisdom, Søren Krause.
£10.99 -
The Retire-in-Thailand Handbook (The First Six Months)
My first six months in Thailand were frustrating. When I dreamt about retiring in Thailand, I thought that when I arrived, I would get my retirement visa, rent a condo, buy a vehicle, then spend my time exploring my new country, going to the beach, going out for meals and meeting new friends. Unfortunately, reality took over and I spent most of my time dealing with Thai bureaucracy and trying to sort out the endless problems that arise when moving to a new country. Back in Australia, I already had a visa, my own house, my own car, medical insurance, driving licence, bank accounts, credit rating, doctor and dentist. Moving to another country, I was more or less starting my life over and I needed to establish myself within the Thai system. Government, banking, medical, everything that was just part of my everyday life at home, I had to recreate in Thailand. Hopefully, this book will give you the information you need to avoid most of the problems that I had and allow you to retire to this wonderful country with confidence and assurance, as well as saving you time, money and your sanity. I wish I had been able to read this book before I left Australia.
£13.99 -
The Road to Marital Success is Unpaved
This highly readable research-based book provides surprising answers to this simple question in plain language. Successfully married spouses have a realistic understanding of marriage and demonstrate effective marriage skills when compared to those in troubled marriages. The authors tell the reader those “secret” understandings of marriage, but more importantly, describe the skills needed to be successful and how to learn those skills.The book is a practical roadmap for married people to realize their dreams of a life-long marriage worth lasting. The book explodes myths about marriage, explains why the challenges and struggles of marriage are normal, how to get through them and reassures us that when a marriage is successful, the effort is worthwhile.The book treats marriage as a “game” and describes how to play it well and have fun playing it. The skills are presented as practical behaviours that can be learned and applied as soon as the next day. The skills turn many ideas about marriage, and even some expert advice, on their head, and while acknowledging that a successful marriage can seem magical, the book exposes the secrets and tricks behind the magic.This is a book for people starting out in a marriage, for people struggling in a troubled marriage, and even for people heading for divorce who would like to turn around their marriage. The book makes clear that reaching a successful marriage is not easy, but that most marriages can be successful. More importantly, the book offers hope and a practical “we can do it” and “here is how” approach.Finally, the book offers a roadmap to mental health counsellors (psychologists, marriage, child and family counsellors, social workers and other licensed counsellors), when working with clients who need help regarding their marital situation.
£11.99 -
The Road to Westminster
Nothing in life is impossible provided you never lose sight of your goal and are willing to be flexible at all times and totally dedicated to achieving your aims. Setbacks crop up at the most inconvenient times, but they give you the opportunity to make changes, accept new challenges and achieve your targets in ways you could never have thought possible.
Never give up, never lose sight of your objectives. Be ruthless when assessing your progress. Take chances when you need to. Everyone needs to speculate to accumulate. Go for it at all times.£9.99 -
The Signs of God's Coming
This book is about the End of Times and the signs of God's return.
In this book I explain about the Seven Seals and how six of them have already been broken open.
We are now living in the sixth seal.
I try to explain what is coming, and how mankind needs to get his or her heart right with God before it is too late.
I am trying to warn mankind that we are living in the last days on earth.