The Evolution of Aesthetic Medicine
The birth and exponential growth of aesthetic medicine has been phenomenal. Recent technical innovation in aesthetic devices and products, coupled with an ever-increasing awareness of physical appearance and a rise in disposable income has boosted the demand for this field of medicine beyond all expectations. Its market size is presently valued at USD 60 billion and is anticipated to continue to expand at a CAGR of 10%.Now comes a book, written by one of the pioneers of this field of medicine who started one of the first aesthetic clinics in the world from his apartment in Dublin in 1999. Since then, he has built clinics around the world and won multiple international awards for his own innovations and advanced techniques, including ‘Top Aesthetic Physician in the World’ in 2019.
£23.99 -
The Expert Within
The human mind and how it works, what it thinks and perhaps more importantly, why it thinks what it thinks, is a subject that has fascinated humans from time immemorial. The first scholar to tackle this subject was Aristotle, but he was certainly not the first to wonder and ponder the mysteries of human perception, comprehension and interpretation. Since then psychologists, psychiatrists, philosophers and even novelists, poets and artists have tried in their own inimitable way to penetrate and reveal that most fascinating of all mysteries – the workings of the human mind.
This book is the story of a human mind ... not the human mind ... as all authentic stories of the ‘human mind’ must be. This book tells the story of the author’s mind; the only mind of which she can truthfully speak in spite of the fact that she has qualifications in Psychology, Philosophy (Theology) and Journalism. For all that, the qualification upon which she relies most is that of human experience – life and living. In adolescence her mind declined into insanity, lingered there for some years, then painfully and insightfully regained its place in the world of sanity ... only to go on and penetrate the world of formal, academic, or professional (whatever you wish to call it) education/understanding.
This book was not written for the edification of those called mental health professionals. It was written to share wisdom and understanding with the ordinary, everyday lay minds of those who care too much to embrace or be embraced by the word ‘professional’.
£8.99 -
The Faces of Crime
FBI Forensic Artist and Laboratory Supervisor Gene O’Donnell traveled the world for 32 years to draw the faces of criminals waiting for him in the memories of their victims. Sometimes the only witnesses he had were the skeletal remains found along a lonesome highway. Spies, bank robbers, lost and missing kids, aspiring presidential assassins, rapists, anybody wanted by police, Gene drew. With few leads, these drawings were often the only thing that allowed investigators to track down suspects.
This memoir takes the reader on fascinating journeys of true crimes. See how age-progressed images of two kidnapped children led Unsolved Mysteries to the Fontes boys, who, though missing for many years, were recognized and rescued, while their kidnappers were brought to justice. Experience the victory of helping to find the worst that mankind has to offer and the heartbreak over the ones that got away.
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The Fascinating History of My Direct Royal Ancestors and Their Descendants
The author traces his direct ancestors for 40 generations, commencing with Egbert Saxon, king of Wessex in generation 1. King Edward III is described in generation 18. He was the last monarch in the author’s Direct family tree. He and his wife, Philippa of Hanault, are the author’s 21 times great grandparents. The author narrates the history of his direct ancestors up to his grandparents in generation 39, from English royalty to Scottish nobility, ending with the Krio elite in the former British colony of Sierra Leone. This was as a result of the acting governor of Sierra Leone, the Scottish Kenneth Macaulay, the author’s 4 times great-grandfather, having a relationship with a liberated African, which led to the birth of the author’s 3 times great-grandmother Charlotte Macaulay, who was of mixed race. The book is an entertaining, fascinating and accessible piece of family history with a wide-ranging scope and engaging manner of dialogue, which will be of interest, not only to historians and genealogists, but also to non-fiction readers in general.
£12.99 -
The Fifth Kingdom
BABYLON, MEDO-PERSIA, GREECE & ROME were the four great kingdoms in the ancient world. After the Covid pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war, people were searching for peace and assurance for their salvation. The world is chaotic with terrifying headlines: THE WORLD TRADE CENTER ATTACK, NORTH KOREA MISSILE THREAT, CHINA INVASION & RUSSIA-UKRAINE WAR and risk of a third world war. Who will be the next kingdom to rule the world? The country with the most powerful nuclear weapons will conquer all nations. The Fifth Kingdom will rule the world.
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The Flight of the Gaels
The people of Scotland and Northern Ireland voted in the 2016 referendum to remain in the European Union. It is generally assumed that, whilst the public in these two jurisdictions might not be happy with the Brexit outcome, they will get used to it and adapt to a life as former Europeans.
The Flight of the Gaels demonstrates that there could be a set of circumstances in which this assumption is proved to be wide of the mark. The story begins in the UK and Irish Permanent Representations in Brussels and winds its way via a political research project at Ulster University and political lobbying in the United States and Europe to the establishment of a new political grouping in Scotland and Ireland. A constitutional earthquake follows, with the potential to transform the politics of the British Isles.
When this potential is realised, the political landscape that emerges is one that few could have predicted when the Brexit saga began in 2016.
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The Flight of the Last Stuart King
In 1798, when Napoleon invades Rome, Cardinal Henry Stuart, the last direct heir of the royal House of Stuart, is forced to flee south to seek refuge in the Kingdom of Naples. This is only the beginning of an adventurous two-year journey that drives him on to Sicily, Corfu, Padua and Venice, bringing him into contact with many key figures of the period, like Horatio Nelson, Lord and Lady Hamilton, the volatile Queen of Naples, the spy master Spiridion Foresti, the Ottoman commander Bey Abdul-Kadir and the reluctant Pope Pius VII, elected after a stormy conclave and crowned with a papier-mâché tiara. Set against the background of the Napoleonic wars and one of the most turbulent periods of change in European history, the flight of Henry IX, the Jacobite’s last Stuart king, is a little known and extraordinary story.
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The Future Knowledge Compendium
Thriving in the 21st Century
Humans have a unique capability to both understand their situation in the world and to envision and act to realise their aspirations in the emerging world. And most of us would welcome knowing how we can become ever more skilful at both understanding, and shaping the future of, our emerging world, so that we can thrive in it. The 21st century is very different from the 20th century. Globalisation, the greatest economic prosperity uplifting machine humanity has ever invented, and mass education, are combining to sweep humanity into an emerging interdependent global village. It is creating a global educated middle class that will number 5 billion in 2030.
In this emerging world, a world where our future prosperity will be increasingly based on metaphysical wealth, on what we know, 20th century nation-first, competitive, win/lose, mindsets and agendas can no longer work. These now yesteryear mindsets will instead undermine our best endeavours, including making our future ever more climate and pandemic safe.
Humanity is now beginning to learn that it now has no option but to adopt planet-first, collaborative, win/win values and mindsets, if it wishes to shape our emerging global village so that it can become liveable for all: ever more prosperous, harmonious, inclusive, sustainable, healthy, and secure. Meeting these challenges successfully will require that humanity innovates for itself a new future knowledge curriculum so that it can economically thrive in a sustainable and humane manner.
Peter Ellyard has asked the question: what would be the contents of such a curriculum? In The Future Knowledge Compendium: A Curriculum for Thriving in the 21st Century, he has sought to answer this question.
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The Game of God: The Ultimate Solitaire!
The world is not as it appears. The universe and all of life is a fantasy being played out and experienced by God—with God being the only player. This is the ultimate game of solitaire! The Game of God explores this amazing game that God develops and plays as though illusion is reality, as though man and all other forms of life have their own separate lives and minds. They live in bodies, in the world; they are born, grow old, and die. Everything in the universe is held in shape by mind-patterns, and within the game God is constantly assessing play as it develops and as though it is real and not an illusion or dream. The latter part of The Game of God illustrates a fundamentally different way of playing the game of life by changing your view of yourself and others within the game. It offers explanations of how to play this fantasy game effectively, how to develop fully the character you find yourself playing at the moment, and how to express your abundance. For thousands of years man has pondered on his identity, his relationship to God, and the meaning and purpose of life, and he is still pondering. The Game of God shows how the answer to these profound questions lies within each of us.
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The Gap Between Two Kingdoms
From a very religious country, Saudi Arabia, I moved to the United Kingdom. I had a cultural shock and I was moved by the details of British lives there. What was my perception? Where have I been? What are the changes that made me a new person after my journey to proceed with my postgraduate studies? Here is my book and there is definitely a gap between the two kingdoms.
£11.99 -
The Gay Bible
This book is a guide to queer terminology. It contains correct terminology and slurs. It’s a what to say and what not to say. The world of gay and queer terms can be difficult to navigate when it seems new terms are appearing every other day. No one is saying you must agree with them, but we are saying you’ve got to respect a human for what they wish to be called. So, strap in and strap on for the ride of your life.
£17.99 -
The Gift
Sixteen-year-old Anne faces radical change in her life after a supernatural encounter. When an unusual person makes an unexpected visit, Anne finds she is linked to a decision that was made three hundred years earlier, and her peaceful and predictable life is shaken. She must respond to a complicated request that challenges her own sense of morality and integrity. Anne seeks out help from a local seer and healer who reveals secrets about her birth and her destiny. But will this guidance be enough to help Anne see through the deceptions and traps that have been set for her by nefarious forces?
Behind the pastoral loveliness of the Vermont hills, Anne experiences an invisible world, populated by both good and evil presences who vie for her very soul. A special gift has been given to Anne, but her use of this gift can bring either joy to others or be a curse to all.