Strange But True
Written clearly, the aim of the book “Strange but True” is to highlight some points.
There are many incidences that occurred in the hospitals which are of general interest to the general readers. The author is conscious that some points may be sensitive so he made it clear that the book is not meant to insult, degrade, defame or anything like this to anyone. The author believes that this world and this country (U.K.) have given him so much, which he wants to give back to the world/country for the benefit of other people.
As a Muslim, the author has questioned many beliefs common among Asian Muslims, which are frequently addressed in the mosques, written in so-called Islamic literature and believed by many Muslims.
In addition to his professional knowledge as a medical doctor, the author’s overall general knowledge and knowledge in sciences is of high standard. He was selected to be trained as a magistrate, went through two stages of interviews, but because of his heavy workload as a consultant in the NHS, could not complete his training.
His consultant colleagues from his last hospital, the manager of that hospital and the consultants from his previous jobs in NHS, where he worked as a junior doctor, speak very highly about him.
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Strolling Through Three Counties
This book is Ian Falkner's masterpiece, a refreshing strolling adventure through three counties. Three people and a dog go on a short walk around the countryside of Edenbridge. Later, they penetrate into the depths of Kent, Surrey and Sussex. The author's words help paint a vivid picture in the mind's eye and ignite the reader's imagination. This book points out some of the most interesting landmarks and viewpoints that he and his friends come across. With information about routes, historical contexts, roads and path names, this gift of a magical and unforgettable tour acts as a useful guide for those who have the spirit of an adventurer and the attitude of an explorer.
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Swimming through the reeds
This brilliant self-help book is designed to assist each one of us to conquer our own particular problems, and ‘Smile... Just one smile can make a difference' as Victoria explains.
Throughout this book, a feeling of peace, hope and an uplifting momentum grows with each page and imbues the reader until its genuine calming and morale-lifting impetus is thoroughly absorbed and the healing commences.
Happiness and confidence starts with a wonderful chain reaction in our individual dealings with our own problems and creating a kindness and caring for others that can travel right around the world.
So read this and find your own new and wonderful dreams and achieve amazing things!£7.99 -
Swinging Sexties
Most women, whether married or single, have at one time in their life had secret thoughts about dominance. Whether it’s behind the closed doors of bedroom antics or living out a fantasy of role play, they are happy with this level of excitement, I wasn’t. I found myself on a path of discovering a world of curiosity and intrigue. I, like many others, had pondered and wondered if I could actually live out and divulge in such sordid encounters. Constantly asking myself questions of judgement, I found that I had balls of steel upon my chest experiencing every encounter with blindfolded confidence.
My story will lead you on a journey of discovery, dominance, excitement and most of all, self belief to knowing your ultimate life limits.
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Tainted Beauty
Yvy grew up believing in who she was, but what she didn’t know was how to live her truth. Trapped in a body that presented as male, Yvy had no choice but to take on life’s obstacles whilst attempting to desperately find the answer to living her truth.
And so her journey begins. Yvy embarked towards uncharted territory, knowing that she would inevitably reach her truth and live as an authentic creation. But what she wasn’t prepared for was the lessons she would learn along the way. Lessons that would shape her gender identity and give her the confidence to be unapologetic when it comes to being who she was born to be.
Tainted Beauty is a heartfelt, sexy and hilarious no-holds-barred look into the life of a woman who isn’t afraid to tell it like it is.
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Take a Seat
This book encompasses the fascinating 40 year journey in life of someone who just wasn’t your average practicing GP, but someone whose passion and drive were to use his skills and medical ability to bring quality of life to every patient that crossed his path.
He thrives on challenges in every situation and circumstance. Wherever there was a medical need, however big or small, he would jump to take it on! Whatever the complex medical condition was, in whatever culture or country he was operating in, whether in a war zone, an aircraft carrier, an Aboriginal township in Australia, or a community GP practice in Essex, he thrived and wanted to make a difference!
Many of the episodes in this book have been the catalyst of the diverse and interesting career, which have kept many a dinner party enthralled, amused, admired and envied.
Every memoir depicts the enthusiasm and need of the author to achieve the overall ambition … ‘to bring a quality of life’ to all humans that needed his medical help in the best possible way… and to give the reassurance and empathy to make them ‘feel they matter’ and ‘quality of life is essential and priceless’ whatever the circumstance prevails!
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Take Me Home
When the train hit, we all felt it. Maybe not physically but with a tidal force that rapidly unearthed a pain that none of us were ready for. From Ghana to Ecuador, Benin to El Salvador, Lebanon to Taiwan, Gujarat to China, Burma to Kenya; we were wounded. This jolt of agony traveled in a variety of paths for each of us - text, phone call, social media, police visit, and in person. No matter what language each of us received the news, it didn’t seem tangible. "Nancy was dead." نانسي كانت ميتة Nancy était morte. નેન્સી મરી ગઈ હતી. Nancy estaba muerta. Nancy estaba muerta.
In this riveting true story, join the journeys of these amazing young men and women who exhibit the fuel, grit, and chance to navigate and embrace the American dream. As they charge their wings from around the world and switch their life plans, they are able to surge forward through volts of triumph, tribulation, and tragedy. They have no evidence that their journey will land success. It's a plunge that most are unwilling to take. Yet in due time, it is exactly what they need to teach the world that learning a second language should always be considered an asset, and not a handicap.
If you have ever wondered "Why do people come to America?"
This book is for you.
If you have ever pondered "Should I go to America?"
This book is for you.To all who are here, living and growing in this diverse land of beautiful stormy seas – this book is for you.
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Take Them or I Will Kill Them
Diane then said to her aunt and uncle, “Benny told us we are staying with you for a holiday.” Bet looked at Benny, who signalled for the girls to come to him. Looking at the two small girls, he swallowed hard.
When he had their attention, he said grimly, “No girls, I have brought you here to live with Auntie Bet and Uncle Bertie, because if I had not taken you away, then they would have killed you.”
Diane frowned, “They? Who are they?”
Benny replied, “Your mum and dad.”
Benny explained that when he came to collect them, their mother said, “Take them, or I will kill them. I’ve had enough; I don’t want them in my sight.” Diane gasped and grabbed Jo’s hand.
This is the true story about two small girls who suffered neglect and appalling abuse at the hands of the people who should have been caring for them; their parents.
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Tales from Greece: Part 1
Follow the Williams family as they explore the Greek Islands and become engrossed in the sights and sounds. Your emotions will swing from humour to sadness to hope as you become involved in the highs and lows of family life, you will laugh and cry as you watch a mother’s struggles with memories and the need to move forward with hope.
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Tales of Travels and Trains
Jim Nicholls takes readers on a journey like no other. Visit places as remote as the Zulu battlefields in South Africa, learn about an inventor who made the first heavier-than-air flight before the Wright brothers, and take in an Easter church service in a small Portuguese town.
All this and more are held together by tales of trains ranging from a tiny rail motor in the Queensland outback to a wild ride in Borneo. Experience Switzerland and America from the windows of a train.
Train travel opens a window on the world, allowing a visual eavesdropping and intrusion into a country’s backyard that, if done in any other form, would probably result in arrest. Trains have it all, they convert the journey into the adventure. Real people travel on trains.
Discussing with a young girl from New Zealand how one meets interesting and friendly people on such journeys, she neatly summed it up: ‘Yeah, how many nice people do you ever meet on an aeroplane?’
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Tangled Thoughts of Reason
Aged 21, Owen has lost all his self-worth and self-control. Addicted to crack and trying to get clean, he falls back into the same cycle again and again. Losing his mind and falling deeper into depression, he needs to make a change before he loses himself completely.
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Taxi to Broadway
“Hey, did anyone tell you look like James Dean!”
It happened once in a while. I had just lit a cigarette… (can’t resist the slice of ham). Drawing into myself; playing the dead actor behind the wheel, cigarette dangling loosely from my pouting lips; angry at life… scowling at the world!
Christy Jones was no James Dean, but he could proudly tell people in his taxi that he was an actor nonetheless. And driving wasn’t the only time he could play a character.
The author of this memoir found a passion for acting and made it to Stella Adler’s Academy for Theater in the early ’60s. But to make a decent living he drove a taxi across New York for six years. Christy never had an accident, though he had plenty of narrow escapes during his six years of driving. He preferred driving at night, so he could make the rounds of agents and producers during the day. But the streets can be treacherous... and dangerous. A cab only lasts a couple of years on New York City streets. After a long time spent dropping people off at their destinations, he finally arrived at his own: Broadway.
Taxi to Broadway is a story of fleeting conversations and adventurous nocturnal driving, but in the end, it is what all great stories should be – a tale about following your passions.