Abdominal-Pelvic Imaging
Maybe we have an obsession for cases, but when we were resident in radiology, we loved to learn especially from cases not only because they are short, exciting and fun, similar to a detective story in which the aim is to get to ‘the bottom’ of the case, but also because, in the end, that’s what radiologists are faced with during their daily work.The topics covered in the book represent the common and important diseases encountered in abdominal and pelvic imaging. The material presented for each case provides a thorough and comprehensive description of the disease entity, enabling the radiologist or the clinician to develop a clear concept of the entity through the different imaging modalities that are present. What is interesting in this book is one case per page. The book can be used as a means of rapid revision of a large number of cases in a short time or as test of knowledge by masking the radiological description and diagnosis and trying by using the clinical data and radiological images to describe first the pathology then propose a diagnosis.
£3.50 -
The years immediately after the Great War were a time of great political, social and economic change. The book seeks to examine how the actions and events of this turbulent period were shaped by the Great War and how they, in turn, helped to shape both the period between the wars and beyond. We are still experiencing some of these effects today. Starting with an in-depth analysis of how the Great War ended and the effects of the Treaty of Versailles, the book offers an overlapping insight into many aspects of the period, such as the Spanish Flu pandemic (so named because of censorship); women’s enfranchisement in Britain, their battle to retain the economic opportunities brought by the war and the revolution in women’s lives brought by Dr Marie Stopes; the collapse of the Liberals and the rise of Labour; the emergence of modern Ireland, including the role of the IRA; the shaping of the Middle East; the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and the emergence of Communism in the twentieth century; the development of both American and British society in the aftermath of war. This was a period that can be truly said to have shaped the twentieth century.
£3.50 -
An Idiot's Love of Idioms 2
Ever wondered where the sayings we commonly use originate?Sometimes the things we say, if we really think about it, make absolutely no logical sense.Take what I’m saying as read but not with a pinch of salt, I think this book will be a sight for sore eyes and will warm the cockles of your heart.This book won’t cost you an arm and a leg and you won’t have to push the boat out to buy it and I’m not trying to pull the wool over your eyes as there are no smoke and mirrors here. If you like idioms it might be right up your alley and I’ll stick my neck out and say you’ll find it top drawer.Hang fire you say, well, this kind of book only comes once in a blue moon so keep your hair on, don’t flip your lid and remember every cloud has a silver lining even if it’s not cloud nine. So don’t drop a clanger and cut me some slack, buy this book and I guarantee you I’ll have you in stitches.
£3.50 -
An Inside Job
An Inside Job is a gripping story of life as a chaplain inside Lincoln prison, a local jail opened in 1872. Joy Osborne writes from the heart with sensitivity and passion. The reader is drawn into a world which is generally unknown to the public. Following theological training, Joy felt God calling her beyond the church building to work inside the prison walls with some of the country’s most prolific offenders. She shared in the lives of those shunned by society and saw beyond crimes committed to the person’s humanity. Inside the busy jail, it was often ministry on the ‘hoof’, responding to an immediate crisis. Being ready with a listening ear, advice, compassion, an offer of help and prayers when requested were just part of a busy day. The challenges of prison life are portrayed in this book and are felt by the reader as they journey with Joy on an amazing walk through the prison and beyond.
£3.50 -
An IT Contractor Life
This book is an excursus of Max’s career in both data and analytics, in general I.T., and the heavy metal underground of Italy in the mid-80s. This dichotomy has characterised Max’s adult life, which is highlighted in the book and everything Max does with his spare time. Sometime filled with sad moments, some hilarious stories and some great advice for I.T. professionals and metal heads alike, it’s mainly the story of a man like you and me who cannot say no to anybody and has a focus and resilience that only a few possess.
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Animal and Client Encounters
Qualifying as a veterinary surgeon over 50 years ago, James has seen enormous changes in his work of a general practitioner. From being a student learning from James Herriot through general practice to involvement with university life, the author has had an extremely busy life that encompassed many exciting, humorous, and quite often dangerous experiences!The elation and satisfaction of successful outcomes as well as the sadness of end-of-life scenarios are all portrayed together with the hardships and rigour of working on farms in adverse weather conditions.This is balanced by the recounting of the many, often self-deprecating, humorous episodes that made up the daily life of this vet. Although gentle fun is conveyed in the majority of the stories, it is not at the expense of nor the dignity of the clients, all of whom were greatly respected.Life was never dull and the unexpected was only ever a phone call away.
£3.50 -
An Essential Ally
Why was the ABDA Command created to defend Java? Were the losses of people and planes justified?Why were the United States’ largesse, leadership and luck alone not enough to win the war against Japan?Where and when was this war won and how did luck make this possible?What was it like living in Australia during the war against Japan?These and many other previously unanswered questions are all answered in An Essential Ally.
£3.50 -
A Seasonal Footprint
My journey has been of global proportions. The sometimes spectacular, sometimes sombre, often-times splendid, at times spiritual, most times satisfying, brings perspective to the distinctive scenes each season displays. Each holds its own ‘colours’.A viewing of the ever-changing landscape emphasises the where, the what and the when. But, when the traveller pauses to reflect upon an exploration, an event, the deeper meanings of life may surface in the how and the why of personal experience. A journey becomes a pilgrimage when one’s life goal is placed in the knapsack. This book offers a personal reflection on a ‘journey’ that is still on-track to ultimate reality.
£3.50 -
Be a Beacon of Hope in the World
Why does one youngster stab another with a knife which they will never, ever dare to stab themselves with? Why are our young people killing themselves without thinking of the pains and sorrow such barbarism and bestiality will leave their loved ones with for the rest of their lives? Why do some young persons—members of the same community—prey on one another with such jungle-like ferocity in the nation’s cities? Why are there now so many of such gruesome, purposeless, wicked and unwarranted killings in the nation’s cities as if Britain is now a land that devours its children? More worrisome is the fact that when they are hacked to death so young, what happens to their dreams, visions, goals and aspirations?Heart-rending as these painful questions are, Be a Beacon of Hope in the World: A Message to Young Britain does not attempt to offer answers to these puzzles arising from the untimely deaths of Britain’s children through knifings. However, it seeks to act as a guidepost, compass and a Sat Nav to point young persons in the right direction and on the path of civility, decency, common sense, humaneness and universal altruism, whereupon they are expected to have respect: for themselves, for others and for all of life’s forms. Therefore, let the alarm bell, which this book will trigger, warn all young persons in Britain and the world over that to live in the fast lane is to die young. Let this message reverberate through the vista of time.
£3.50 -
Beauty Redefined
In our beauty-obsessed culture, women have become accustomed to using the standards set by society and the media as a barometer to measure their own worth. They perpetually wonder where they stand on the attractiveness continuum and question everything about their outward appearances, from their skin colour to their waistline, to their fashion sense. They keep asking themselves, “Am I good enough? Do I matter? Will others love and accept me for who I am?” Beauty Redefined explores this critical issue by looking at beauty from a cultural, biological and historical perspective and provides solutions on what we can do on a collective and individual level to redefine what it means to be a beautiful woman. By reading this book, you’ll be convinced that your voice matters and you’ll feel empowered to make your own unique mark in the world, no matter what your size, shape, colour or ethnic background is. You’ll learn how to love yourself (warts and all!) and embrace every unique aspect of your being and use it to make the world a better place.
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Beef Cubes And Burdock
The rural landscape of John Phillpott’s boyhood has changed irrevocably over the last half-century.The elm – that celebrated ‘Warwickshire Weed’ of folklore – has been lost to disease, urban sprawl continues apace and motorways now disturb the tranquillity of fields that once knew only the sound of cattle, birdsong and the rumble of the farmer’s tractor.But paradise lost? Not quite, because the river flows on through the valley as it has done for millennia, the rook ‘parliaments’ can still be seen high overhead and the bells of the church that has stood on the hill looking out over the Swift Valley for a thousand years still call out to the faithful.Beef Cubes and Burdock is an affectionate glance over the shoulder back to a time when the pace of life was still dictated by the rhythm of the seasons rather than the touch of a computer keyboard.
£3.50 -
Beginner's Cookbook
You will find no gourmet recipes in here. It will only be the quick and easiest way to make something edible. Quick, relating to the preparation time rather than the cooking time. It is aimed at someone leaving home for the first time to which a cooker is a stranger or a student who has suddenly got to feed themselves or even someone who has never cooked before, but has decided to give it a go.