One Journey Tells a Thousand Stories
This book is filled with poems that will speak to the individual’s soul. Words coming from experiences that many have been through. From a person’s darkest times to their brightest days, their lowest moments to their highest points – a book of truth that’s refreshing to the mind. A book that shows courage, strength and spirit from each story that is hidden between the lines of every poem that is read. From tales of love to the fights a person is forced to face, the wars inside a person’s mind to the friendships formed along each journey, a troubled past to the future that can and needs to be, a child in its first days on this earth to the time that child is ripped away.
A relatable collection that will take your mind to its most vulnerable points and open your eyes to feelings that many have felt but have never understood.
£3.50 -
Old Jim's Poems for Kids, Young and Old
James Tweddle has composed poems of wide appeal. Whether the readers are nine years old or even younger, or eleven years old or even older, this book contains many poems to capture and hold their interest.
'Are you interested in conserving our natural resources? .... or satisfying your curiosity about natural phenomena? ..... or wondering how it was possible for a shark to have a pirate's leg growing out ofthe top of its head? .... or enjoying reading of conversations between animals? ... or heeding warnings about catching crabs? ... or going fishing? .... or watching fairies in the back garden? ... or nonsense poems about imaginary creatures?........... then this book is for you!
Whatever your interests, it is to be hoped that you have been lured to dip in, become immersed, firmly hooked, and well and truly caught, by reading or listening to this illustrated book of poems, which is available in paperback, hard cover or e-book editions.
£3.50 -
Off my head, love and other excuses for poetry
'This book covers the beginning and end of a close friendship. Some of these poems were very hard to write, but I used them as therapy. I hope that other people can relate to these poems as words they found hard to express themselves.' Julie Tsiricos
£3.50 -
These poems are observations on personal experiences, memories, philosophy, mental illness, and other topics. They are an attempt to express myself despite a long struggle with depression. They are short poems, designed to convey themes and ideas concisely. Topics covered span from reflections on spirituality, to childhood memories, to historical figures and more.
£3.50 -
Always visions of other lands haunt my ravaged mind and the ghosts of old lovers swirl in the fog of my brain. Habits and routine are my captors, the jailers that speak to me of bounds, fences and walls, yet my soul flies on the wild wind, searching for a home. I long to burn across new terrain like a meteor crashing through the dull and nebulous layers of this tired earths’ atmosphere. When shall I walk among the foothills of the Old Gods and feel new breezes blow through this shattered mind? To set the senses reeling and lose myself in the swirling fog of new emotion.
Everything is growing, bursting out of itself like an explosion and creatures mass and swarm at some silent command. Is this the hand of God stirring his pot of wonders?
And then the storms and the wild winds, the constant rains although warm- still crazy and without reason. All of nature here spinning and weaving, screaming in the minds of men. Here is the torrent, the onrush of life, the lesson to be learned, easily given and so readily taken up by poets and dreamers. Wild living, careless exaggeration, wonders of creation, the Psalms of the fields and forests.
Listen then, listen to the songs and hear their frantic message, for there is a force greater than any man can know that is flowing faster than an avalanche. Eye and limb, branch and spore- nature has gone mad and man is afraid because the spirits of old lives are whistling in the wind.
£3.50 -
Night Poetry
In this collection of poetry, we enter the mystery of the Night. Who knows what that Night will bring? We may step back into the past. We may look to the future through the eyes of surrealism. We may see the present time as a secretive world, only the Night wanderer can unlock. What does the Night hold?
In the hours of Night, darkness envelopes. Darkness can be present in the brightest of days though, the leading light is dimmed. How can the Night wanderer take the next step along the journey of life, when they cannot see the way ahead? Who will come to their aid? When will the dawn break?
We are part of the world around us, a precious world, a precious gift. In all the power of the planet’s forces, we recognise a vulnerable planet. The forces of Earth, Air, Water and Fire are at the mercy of humanity. How much do we value everything that is in our hands? Do we bring darkness or light to our environment? Do we value the changing of the seasons? Do we stand in awe at the beauty of the passing year?
We undertake a journey, into where?
£3.50 -
Nativity/In Lockdown with Brecht
Nativity / In Lockdown with Brecht is a moving collection of poems on many modern themes, including globalisation, hopes invested in the next generation, our guilt concerning the terrors of their inheritance, love, comradeship, mental stress and troublesome romance, but often with a light and elaborate touch. Each poem invokes a contemporary experience of the world that will resonate with a wide range of readers.
Nativity / In Lockdown with Brecht makes demands of the reader that will be repaid in new perspectives on and ways of feeling about the world today and in the foreseeable future. It also employs humour, satire and a sense of the absurd at times.£3.50 -
Narrative Reflections
Rosemary's Narrative Reflections luminates the darkness which cancer thrusts upon all God's Sentient beings - including mankind.
Reflective, subconscious memories of significant, fragmented dreamscape visions. Dreams that personify her sense of aloneness, delightfully portrayed within stanzas.
Philosophic, ethical, and deeply thought out analysis of cancer's impact upon the mental and physical well-being.
An empathic voice, which echoes with unequivocal optimism, that mankind can defeat cancer; given the scientific, innovative advances.
A powerful and thought provoking chronicle of sympathetic poems combined with philosophical, mythological shadowings.
Cancer Warriors' hopes and dreams for the future are confronted with optimism, and a united sense of camaraderie.
“Clap hands, in tribute to all cancer warriors.”
For during this COVID19 Pandemic- you have all:
‘Fought, the good fight, with all your, might.’
£3.50 -
My Soul’s Human Experience
This book is a soul-searching journey based on the author’s personal experiences and observations. Through introspection during quiet moments, the author grapples with the complexities of the world and seeks to understand the meaning of life, our origins, and our purpose. The book features poems, including a heartfelt autobiography and a tribute to the author’s daughter written after the end of her first love. The author also tackles critical subjects such as the COVID-19 pandemic and its significance. A standout piece, “The Ultimate Journey,” invites readers to quiet the noise of their thoughts and embark on an unforgettable inner journey.
£3.50 -
My Life in Verse
As long as I can remember, the only thing that fills my brain are words, and ever since starting school and falling in love with rhyming iambic pentameters, I have been writing “old-fashioned” poetry! This collection has been garnered and put together from hand-drafted papers and (my sister having taught me how to type so that she could read my scrawl!) from a life’s collection of typed manuscripts.
£3.50 -
Most Secret
It’s no secret that when children like poems or songs they’ll willingly give their approval. They are refreshingly ingenuous and will no doubt like some of this silliness. It’s sometimes harder for adolescents and adults to reveal their personal preferences, for fear of criticism or exposure. Although they may identify with some of the expressions of thought, observations or emotions in this book, they will at times keep their opinions secret.
Most Secret offers enjoyment, interpretation, debate, as well as provocative and evocative thoughts across a range of age groups.
Can you be trusted not to share the contents of this book with others?£3.50 -
Moments of Melancholy
Silent, moonlit nights, gently drifting autumn leaves, a hint of perfume sparking a memory and the various shades of grey on a gloomy day are just some of the moments infused with the pain of an aching heart that inspired the words in Moments of Melancholy. These are poems for the tender-hearted, the sorrowful souls and the phoenixes who rise from the ashes of lost loves. This collection of 34 poems deals with the deepest of human emotions and draws examples from the greatest role model of all time: nature.
Each poem can be read as a standalone piece, or the collection can be worked through as a journey of a heart breaking, and healing, and learning to love and live again. After many years of writing and collating, these poems are being published in the hope that readers find comradeship and comfort in the words Misabel shares, as well as a genuine enjoyment and appreciation of her novice but nevertheless heartfelt poetry.