Kingdom of Wolves
Kingdom of Wolves clears the path to understanding the unconscious drives that motivate if not govern the behaviours of predators, abusers, bullies, their victims and the underlying issues that draw them to each other. The author demystifies the complexities of human behaviour, merging old concepts with new as she guides you through the emotional and psychological landscapes of the abuser’s and victim’s psyche. She provides a simple but profound insight into the adverse causes and outcomes of early childhood and adolescent development, linking it to present-day adult ways of life. Juliana, once a victim of domestic abuse herself, believes that freedom, reclamation, redemption and wholeness of spirit can only be achieved by taking a journey inward. She hopes through this book to provide a way forward for victims who are trapped by their past experiences or present-day abusive circumstances and concludes that the key to recognition, understanding and prevention of violence and abuse can only be gained through acquiring a deeper awareness of human behaviour.
Kingdom of Wolves - The Journey
Kingdom of Wolves – The Journey is a true story of survival and the soul’s journey to freedom, reclamation, redemption, and wholeness of spirit. The author was a silent victim of domestic abuse that spanned a period of three decades, she was not only held captive by her abuser but also her own low self-esteem, fears, and insecurities. With this book she takes you on a journey through the psychological and emotional labyrinth of the minds of both the victim and the abuser simultaneously, giving the reader a unique insight into the perilous and malignant world of domestic abuse. She demystifies any previously held misconceptions that are often attached to victims, by providing an intimate account of her personal experience with domestic abuse, her subsequent survival and how she overcame profound fears and great adversity in her quest to find her individual strength, purpose, and authenticity. The author also brings to light the necessary reformative processes that needed to occur in order for true rehabilitation and transformation to take place, clearing the path for her to achieve her ultimate goal of atonement and freedom.