Solo in Oz
My travelling adventure started after my son, Stefan, and his friend, Rob, set off to the California Coast in America for a few weeks staying in hotels and backpacking across America to Las Vegas. I decided on my trip to Australia and it set a travel bug off inside me to do a two-month adventure of a lifetime backpacking and staying in hotels and travelling 12,000 miles across Australia by train.
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The Strength Within
December 1979, Annie was three months pregnant with her second child and in excruciating pain. She couldn't walk, couldn't stand, couldn't sleep. In just a year, Annie had gone from being an active young woman to almost entirely incapacitated. Going from one doctor to another, after 18 months, Annie finally had a diagnosis - it was a malignant Ewing's tumour the size of a tennis ball on her knee. Cancer. Almost in the same breath, Annie was told she would have to have her leg amputated above the knee and then told the baby wouldn't survive the surgery…they both defied the odds. She was 26 years old and 26 weeks pregnant. Annie has demonstrated amazing courage sharing her story and overcoming adversity, further setbacks and living life to the full, encouraging the reader to believe there is light at the end of the tunnel, even when you can't see it.
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Thursday’s Child Had Far to Go
Training Indian village children to look after buffaloes, instructing girls to use a sewing machine, running adult literacy classes for rural women – Did Betty Robinson in her Youth Employment Office in Dunfermline in the 1950s and 1960s realise where her application for missionary training with the London Missionary Society would take her? Three years of missionary training did not prepare her for that. A buffalo and a sewing machine can literally save a village and give its children a future.
Then romance and marriage to a fellow Scot, Leslie Robinson, General Surgeon and Medical Superintendent at the Church of South India’s hospital in Chickballapur, Karnataka.
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White Socks and Chalk Dust
Proof that truth is often stranger than fiction, this hilarious and poignant account of the unlikely journey of a mobile soft-drink salesman and sometime band member to school headship, is made still more compelling by virtue of the fact that all events leading up to and during this metaphorical mountain climb are entirely true…
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Kicking on
Kicking On by Andrew Jobling is the account of one man's journey from a very unlikely professional footballer to personal trainer, cafe owner and finally ‘Accidental Author'.Funny, candid and poignant, Kicking On is a fly-on-the-wall account of life as a young sportsman and the personal journey which ensues for Andrew Jobling following his dismissal from the St Kilda Football Club. The author's self-awareness and observation has led to this frank and humorous account of self-development, life's highs and lows, honesty and a desire ultimately to share his experiences and acquired wisdom with the wider world. This is the great debate about how much is fate and how much of life comes down to our own choices. What comes across strongly in Kicking On is the desire to teach, inform and to instruct - because Andrew Jobling has found the true meaning of life and his life in particular, an understanding which many search for and which pass some by completely. Pithy and without self-pity, this book will shed a little light into the lives of everyone who reads it.
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Have you ever been curious about what happens behind the scenes of a cabaret show, beyond the glitz and glamour? This book takes you backstage, exploring the lives of the performers both before the curtain rises and after the final bow. Discover how these dancers embarked on their careers, how they secure work, and the myriad escapades that unfold behind the scenes.
From fun and hijinks to conflicts, dramas, and romances, this narrative delves into the reality of life in show business. It reveals the journeys of these performers as they travel with new shows, possibly finding love along the way or being left behind to start anew. The story also touches on the personal challenges they face, such as what happens when a dancer becomes pregnant or reaches an age where performing on stage is no longer viable.
Read on to uncover the hidden world of cabaret dancers, their stories, struggles, and triumphs.
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Why Uncle Albert
This tale is the ripping yarn of a young boy who had the desire to become successful driven initially by the desire for money and the ambition to become successful at everything he did. Never satisfied with his position in life, he was always looking for that step up the ladder, the constant quest for promotion and betterment. Slightly younger than the likes of Richard Branson and Alan Sugar, and certainly not as wealthy, but the author had that same drive and determination. Read the book and perhaps you will agree.
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Modern Age Slavery
Modern Age Slavery is a marvellous opportunity for people to find out some of the most hidden, uncensored truths about a seaman’s life on board cruise ships. This poignant memoir will open a sensational perspective about the cruel operational standards of cruise line companies globally. It is an excellent chance to sneak “behind the curtain” and taste the actual bitterness of the seaman’s life, understand the big picture, and realise what the cruise liners are hiding under those glorious, sensational sailing lights. This inspiring book will also help you overcome your most significant life obstacles personally; it will motivate you to become more resilient and search deeper for your inner strengths and undiscovered potentials. After reading some eye-opening chapters, you will be motivated to keep pushing your limits in life to the next level, regardless of any difficult circumstances or adversity. Modern Age Slavery breaks the silence about many irregularities in the cruise ship industry. Behind those glorious and shiny lights of the guest area at the cruise ship, a dark part of the slavery regime still goes unnoticed and is kept away from the public. This book will give you an opportunity to discover the deviant daily life at sea.
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My Life, My Way. The Conditioning.
The meanderings and twists and turns of real-life told through the poetry of a crazy mind… or am I sane? You decide…
What if I told you all is not as it seems…
What if I told you this is the land of dreams…
Dive inside, come on, let’s see… the twists and turns of the life we see.
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Recollections takes you on a roller coaster tour of emotion, from darker subjects detailing the struggles of those marred by conflict and personal battles, to a light and humorous tone arising from everyday observations of life, which will resonate with all who read them.
Some of the poems address very personal challenges and will transport the reader into the lives of those struggling to cope with the emotional issues they face.
Readers who have experienced similar emotional journeys will recognise the battles that the topics encapsulate. Others address the lighter side of topics such as ageing.
Many of the poems are based on deeply emotional experiences and demonstrate the huge diversity of human emotion. Some will bring tears to your eyes, whilst others may result in a wry smile.
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Take Me Home
When the train hit, we all felt it. Maybe not physically but with a tidal force that rapidly unearthed a pain that none of us were ready for. From Ghana to Ecuador, Benin to El Salvador, Lebanon to Taiwan, Gujarat to China, Burma to Kenya; we were wounded. This jolt of agony traveled in a variety of paths for each of us - text, phone call, social media, police visit, and in person. No matter what language each of us received the news, it didn’t seem tangible. "Nancy was dead." نانسي كانت ميتة Nancy était morte. નેન્સી મરી ગઈ હતી. Nancy estaba muerta. Nancy estaba muerta.
In this riveting true story, join the journeys of these amazing young men and women who exhibit the fuel, grit, and chance to navigate and embrace the American dream. As they charge their wings from around the world and switch their life plans, they are able to surge forward through volts of triumph, tribulation, and tragedy. They have no evidence that their journey will land success. It's a plunge that most are unwilling to take. Yet in due time, it is exactly what they need to teach the world that learning a second language should always be considered an asset, and not a handicap.
If you have ever wondered "Why do people come to America?"
This book is for you.
If you have ever pondered "Should I go to America?"
This book is for you.To all who are here, living and growing in this diverse land of beautiful stormy seas – this book is for you.
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The Bitterest PLC To Swallow
If you’ve ever worked in a pub, currently work in one, or simply have an interest in the history and evolution of pubs, Neil’s book is a must-read. In this insightful and entertaining memoir, Neil shares his experiences and observations about working in local estate pubs during a time when they were the heart and soul of their respective communities.
Through humorous anecdotes and blunt opinions, Neil highlights the many challenges faced by pub owners and workers in the modern era. From policies that leave him screaming to people who make him swear, Neil pulls no punches in his assessment of the pub industry.
The book also explores the transformation of local estate pubs into modern-day branded establishments, such as curry houses and convenience stores. Neil’s revelations are sure to surprise and shock readers, and may even cause them to question the value and quality of the food and drink they pay for in these establishments.
But it’s not all doom and gloom. Neil takes readers on a trip down memory lane, revisiting the fun pubs of the 80s before they became bitter PLCs. Through Neil’s vivid storytelling, readers will laugh, cringe, and even taste the history of these once-beloved establishments.
In the end, Neil offers his take on what happened to pubs and what they have become. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the history and evolution of pubs, and may just make you think twice about where you choose to spend your hard-earned wages.