Through Withered Weeds Flowers Bloom
There is a lot I still don’t know about life or about what the future might bring but I do know who I am and how to incorporate life being more about where we choose to go and not just about where we come from. I believe you can throw out the script we get handed during childhood and make different choices whilst implementing determination and positive affirmation. I have used my faith to demonstrate where I found my strength, this can be applied to any type of belief system someone may have. I hope this book can be an inspiration regardless of who you are or where you are in your own life journey and to encourage that it is not where you start but where you finish that really counts. As a result, I accept the idea that through withered weeds it is truly possible for flowers to bloom.
£3.50 -
Thursday’s Child Had Far to Go
Training Indian village children to look after buffaloes, instructing girls to use a sewing machine, running adult literacy classes for rural women – Did Betty Robinson in her Youth Employment Office in Dunfermline in the 1950s and 1960s realise where her application for missionary training with the London Missionary Society would take her? Three years of missionary training did not prepare her for that. A buffalo and a sewing machine can literally save a village and give its children a future.
Then romance and marriage to a fellow Scot, Leslie Robinson, General Surgeon and Medical Superintendent at the Church of South India’s hospital in Chickballapur, Karnataka.
£3.50 -
To Cry No More
Can you remember the last time you cried?
Life can take many directions. Each path leads to a different result. Which one you choose is determined by the previous path.
How do we decide which path to take?
Linda’s paths could have been determined from her birth, her upbringing or the tears that flowed from her falls and tumbles or the joys and jubilations.
This is the true story about Mazie, who demonstrates that no matter what life throws at you, there is always another door to walk through, another path to follow. She shows that strength and willpower can turn any bad experience around and that no matter how hard, sometimes it’s just best to walk away.
Linda’s successes were through pure fight and determination. Her courage allowed her to see through her horrific childhood, her traumatic motherhood and her final moments with her true love.
Follow Linda’s paths entwined with pure emotion. Which path would you have taken? How many tears would you have shed?
£3.50 -
To Heaven and Back
A fascinating true-life story: powerfully moving and incredibly passionate, leaving the reader with a strong sense of reflection. The book displays raw emotions in telling the story about the two very different marriages and the strength the author possessed through some very challenging years.
After the death of her second husband and being exhausted by life, the author changed her life by moving two thousand kilometres from her memories to start a new life for herself. In her late spring, a much younger man changed her life forever. A new town in tropical Queensland became her heaven on earth. An incredible love story was there for the taking, but her moral obligation, along with the fear of hurting her lover by tying him to her, made her leave him, taking exile in the Philippines.
Writing this book become the author’s therapy and obsession. It was never intended to be published but, after four years, she returned to her beloved Croatia alone. The circle of her life journey has closed, and healing of her soul has begun.£3.50 -
What Now
What Now is written to assist people through times of change. It’s particularly relevant in these very trying times of COVID-19. It is not a how-to manual; it’s an entertaining and humbling account of how one person discovered the most powerful transformation force of all! How he recreated himself after being unceremoniously sacked from the job he had dreamed about as a teenager.
What Now tells the story of how a barefoot and frightened little boy from the remote bush of Australia went on to play State of Origin for Queensland, represent Australia and achieve his dream of being a Head Coach, leading the London Broncos alongside Sir Richard Branson onto the hallowed turf of Wembley Stadium. After tragically losing his father at the tender age of three, he unconsciously sought out older people as role models.
In his story, Dan Stains reflects on his quest in search of the most powerful transformational force available. The lessons he uncovered on this journey lead the reader on a path to reveal their own What Now. The rollercoaster ride takes the reader on a sometimes uneasy and humbling path. From the foothills of East Cooyar, to the raucous applause of screaming fans at the best football stadiums in the world, Dan discovers that the ‘open sesame’ to change is by simply loving all of life, including and especially yourself, and the rest is taken care of.
£3.50 -
What's The Worst That Can Happen?
In 2006, I was told by a spirit guide that I would write a book. Yes, I see spirits. “That sounds good but what story had I to tell? Tell the story of how you came from the slums of Glasgow, pushed away your gifts of ‘sixth sense’ and rediscovered them as an adult.” Okay, from the slums of Glasgow to discovering that you’re a psychic in your late forties sounds good but the part in between might sound uninteresting. “Think about it,” I was told, “You will soon be given the opportunity to write.” My life was to follow two paths; communicating with spirit and learning to replace fear with love. My guidance came from two sources; spirit and dreams. My childhood had been a ‘lie’ and I came to realise that much of my adult life was a ‘lie’ also. I wasn’t quite the person that I thought I was. During my childhood I had been the victim of abuse from an adult who I trusted. Unfortunately, I continued with this habit as an adult and would have difficulty facing up to anything. I had two options: run, as I had been doing, or face the truth about myself. I opted for the latter. Today I do not acknowledge negativity. I learn from every experience and think positively. It does help somewhat when the guidance that I receive is ‘out of this world!’
£3.50 -
Where's Me Teeth
From the mystery of the missing teeth to the urine sample for a goldfish. From the hapless gardener who mows through a power cable, to the debate over fresh or frozen ice to be used in a drink. Why can’t you send an octopus through the post, yet you can take your parrot for a walk?
The frustration caused by the jobsworths of this world and automatic/robotic telephone answering machines.
A humorous and tongue-in-cheek observation of daily life and society. You could not make this up. Life is really stranger and funnier than fiction.
£3.50 -
White Socks and Chalk Dust
Proof that truth is often stranger than fiction, this hilarious and poignant account of the unlikely journey of a mobile soft-drink salesman and sometime band member to school headship, is made still more compelling by virtue of the fact that all events leading up to and during this metaphorical mountain climb are entirely true…
£3.50 -
Why I Wrote wot I Wrote
As Joanna Lumley notes in her preface, Bruce Denness has always trod a precarious path between serious science and philosophical frivolity. The science reached its peak at the British Geological Survey and Newcastle University in the 1970s but even then – and certainly since – he always looked for the funny side of whatever he was involved in, which may explain why his research has seldom been taken seriously.
Bruce was born in 1942 on a farm in the Isle of Wight, where he grew up. His career then took him to the mainland (or England, as it is known on the Isle of Wight) and several countries in the Caribbean, South America and the Far East before he settled back on the Island again in 1984. Experiences gained during those years have contributed to the many letters that Bruce has since had published, mainly in The Telegraph and New Scientist. Admittedly, some of them may also have been influenced by regular visits to The White Horse Inn at Whitwell, Isle of Wight for invigorating Shiraz treatment.
£3.50 -
Wounds That Never Heal... 'Broken'
The events of this story are true. It begins when the author was 11 and first learnt that she had been adopted. At 19, she walked out on a wonderful family, with a husband who loved her deeply and gave her three beautiful babies. She turned her her back on them and climbed on a train to London to find her birth mother. Being innocent, she had no idea that she would soon be homeless and sleeping on park benches in Hyde Park and mixing with drug addicts, eventually working for the Maltese Mafia, who employed her as a striptease dancer in their clubs in Soho. She eventually lived with one of these Mafia men who always carried a gun and she was slowly groomed into that life. She was not allowed to go to work without being followed or watched by this violent man, although she was besotted by him. He would beat her or slap her for no reason and still she stayed. She finally escaped the violence by walking the streets yet again with nothing except the clothes she wore. Terrified, she picked up men for sex to earn money and finally met a man whom she married and who took her back to her hometown. She had witnessed violence and murder and endured violence herself, but now she is in her golden years. She has gone through four husbands, two of whom tried to murder her and almost killed her, but she can now put the truth out there for young women who are thinking of running away to London, believing the streets are paved with gold. She can assure them that they are not. Her experiences were heartbreaking, violent and soul-destroying, but she is still here to tell her story...
A childhood that could hardly be remembered, teenage years that were unforgettable, then came the unknown: fear, physical and mental abuse, pain, terror and beatings, drug abuse and going yet again into the unknown, resulting in rescue and contentment and peace... No one should travel the path I took...
This book is a must-read and should be given to any young person thinking of doing what I did... JUST DON'T, as only heartbreak will follow. It followed me and still does. That's why I remain BROKEN.£3.50 -
Writing in Wet Cement
All these years later, nightmares of that marriage wrack my sleep. Heart pounding, I am cowering, running, trying to escape. My whimpers awaken the man now beside me, who loves me with only sweetness, kindness and laughter. He cradles me, dragging me back from the past into the joy and safety of my current life. I stare into the darkness of the night and memories. I wonder, not why did that marriage fail, but why did I allow it to last so long? To the outside world, it looked perfect. Only my mother and closest friends knew the inside reality of my life and how I was caught in the velvet trap of psychological abuse. Jayne Lisbeth was a privileged child, yet death and loss tore apart her world from an early age. The explosion of the free love and feminist movements of the 60s and 70s provided a renaissance, which slipped away during her marriage and motherhood in the 80s. Then, discovering her mother's past secrets illuminated the connections between their generations. Through that she found the courage to escape and create a new future. In deeply personal ways, Ms. Lisbeth reveals the depths of pain and elevation of joy by sharing her most intimate life experiences through sensually evocative words and painterly writing. Writing in Wet Cement is a tale which resonates with all women.
£3.50 -
You Don't Have to Be a Champion... to Be a Winner!
From fitting wheels to wheelbarrows in a builders’ merchant, Brian rapidly climbed the business ladder and became a Xerox salesman. He was unaware that the professional selling skills he was learning would one day propel him into the glamorous and overtly commercial world of F1.
A disastrous debut at a racing driver school was the spark that lit his passion for motor racing. Aware of the need for some serious financial backing to be able to take part, Brian embarked on a variety of highly innovative and often extremely entertaining ways of securing sponsorship, including working with the cast of a top 1970s’ BBC sit-com, as well as with John Cleese, of Monty Python fame.
A chance meeting on a plane with Max Mosley offered an opportunity of managing one of the most popular F1 Grand Prix circuits. This, in turn, led to the heady heights of a factory drive for Mercedes and the establishment of South Africa’s first racing driver school.
It was only a matter of time before Brian’s exceptional sponsorship-acquisition skills took him to F1, where he quickly made a name for himself by securing multi-million pound deals with three of the most sought after global corporations.
However, Brian’s greatest achievement in motorsport was to establish the Motorsport Industry Association in 1994, in a bid to secure government recognition of the industry in its own right. Once again, Brian’s sales skills played a key role.
Without ever becoming a household name as a motor racing champion, Brian’s story of how he most definitely became a winner is not only inspirational, but highly entertaining, amusing, often irreverent and informative.
You Don’t Have to Be a Champion... to Be a Winner is the story of Brian Sims, who left school in 1963 with just 5 GCE O-Levels and a shattered dream of following in his father’s footsteps as a Royal Air Force pilot.