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Til Death We Do Part-bookcover

By: Bruno Beaches

Til Death We Do Part

Pages: 224 Ratings: 4.4
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Pablo is a hardworking, upstanding police officer, proud of his long marriage and lovely family. Through decades of quiet dedication and single-minded devotion he has achieved the successes one strives for in life, both with his family and career. Close to retirement and to sitting back and enjoying the fruits of a successful career and marriage, a malicious spurious complaint at work should have no material consequences on his life, but it starts a domino effect, and before long he finds himself shockingly dismissed, divorced, without a home, and with a criminal record. This story explores a convoluted tragic journey of divorce, rich with emotion, loss, betrayal, revenge and confusion. Along the way it explores the dynamics of what makes a relationship weak and vulnerable, or strong and resolute. It’s not a miserable story, but one of resilience, hope, and true love. It is told with an immense depth of feeling, insight, humour and faith, and there are many truly surprising twists and turns as the story unfolds.

The author is a retired police officer who has had a lot of life experience. He was married to his first wife for thirty years and they raised four children. Following a divorce, he married again and divorced just three years later. Apart from writing, he plays the piano, loves gardening and has carried out a lot of DIY building projects in his spare time. He is a ‘people person’, and has always taken a keen interest in behavioural psychology and relationships.

Customer Reviews
152 reviews
152 reviews
  • @niks_nook

    This was a quick and emotional read. Early on, the reader gets a glimpse of the good Pablo attempts to accomplish through his job, so his downfall is an emotional one to witness. Things take a turn rather swiftly for Pablo, especially with his wife Delilah. I'm not 100% sure that I understand why Delilah was so quick to turn on her husband, but it starts the ball rolling for the devastation of the rest of his life. It was actually very sad to witness the end of Pablo's relationship. He really tried so hard to keep Delilah and he really didn't understand her reasoning. Delilah's diary entries help the reader see a more likeable side of her. Some of the language was a bit dated. The use of the words "shan't" and "whilst" threw me off a bit. I think this could do with another round of editing, but, overall, I enjoyed Pablo's story.⁣

  • @thebookeryonreadstreet

    This starts a domino effect that changes Pablo's life. The story revolves around Pablo's life. A story of love, desperation, heartbreak, growth and perhaps a bit of hatred. You feel sad for Pablo at times and at times want to shake some sense into his head. An optimist that never stops to see the silver lining, he most times forgets to see reality. He seems conceited at times and forgets about others. You hate him at times and feels sorry for his plight the next minute. A tragic love story with twists and turns in simple language. If it's your cup of tea, grab a copy soon.

  • @twirling.thru

    When I picked the book I thought it’s going to be crime thriller or murder mystery but later on I found that author has slowly and convincingly shifted the plot to an emotional track . Pablo’s immense love for Delilah and his never ending desire to be with Delilah breaks your heart . The story tells us various aspects of married life and focuses on forgiving and giving chance to other person.
    I loved the way author has used letter as a medium for both Pablo and Delilah to pour their heart.
    Only thing which I found unconvincing is the character of Pablo .
    The concept of the story , narration and the language are all flawless but a little more editing would have the reading experience.
    Beautifully crafted book !!!

  • @the__girlwhoreads

    Though the story changed into an excessive amount of painful, it gave an important lesson approximately letting things move and that we need to stay high quality and be what we're and never lose ourselves in our very own misery due to the fact existence is brief and uncertain.
    The writer leaves a story in the sort of manner that the readers yearn for a part . Looking ahead to it . Overall, a thrilling read!

  • @bookisheclipse

    Since the book is presented without any sugar coating, it can be quite sorrowful and depressing at times. Reading this book was more like swallowing a bitter medicine. Ever felt like jumping into the book to stop the protagonist from doing something stupid that will backfire? Well this is what I felt so many times while reading this book. The ending could have been a little happy but it does end on a hopeful note, so I believe there is a sequel. Justice was not really served in the book and so I hope the sequel has happier instances.

  • @bibliophillic1997

    This story is about a test of a relationship and a man's character. The character development of protagonist is noteworthy. Yet few things that was not as exciting was dragging the points such as the letters that he wrote was kind of boring in the middle of plot. Also there are few unnecessary discription about other not so important characters. Yet the book was addictive and it took me just a week to complete it.

  • @bookaholic_1012

    The languages is kept simple by the author which helps you reader to understand and interpret the book in an easier way and connects the readers to the book. Overall it's an amazing book!

  • @pragmatic_reader

    A very big recommendation for this book.

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