In the depths of despair, four individuals – Tench, Mark, Hank, and Joe – find themselves navigating the treacherous waters of unemployment, divorce, obesity, and depression. Their lives spiral into an abyss of hopelessness, each day darker than the last. As they inch closer to the precipice of rock bottom, a shared desire ignites within them, a spark of purpose born from desperation. They begin to toy with the notion of vigilantism, finding solace in the idea of reclaiming control and meaning in their lives through daring acts that challenge the very fabric of society.Yet, as their secret lives as vigilantes unfold, a haunting question looms: When will their hunger for justice ever be satiated? In this gripping tale of redemption and retribution, Tench, Mark, Hank, and Joe must grapple with the blurred lines between heroism and madness, ultimately discovering that the path to salvation is as perilous as the darkness they seek to combat.
Alexander Stuart was born in the Highlands of Scotland in 2004. He has had a long-lasting interest in the art of film and writing, both being activities that he hopes to develop in the future. Alexander currently live in Morayshire.
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