The Land of White is a combination of cookery bookand food memoir which takes the real cookingexperiences from the writer straight to your kitchen.The often eclectic recipes, interspersed withcharming evocations of the author's belovedhomeland, reflect Lebanon's cosmopolitan heritage.The dishes may be simple to make but the results arerich in aroma and flavour, with unique ingredients,and prepare you for a real Lebanese adventure.The fusion of aubergine puree with pomegranaterubies, stuffed Swiss chard cigars and kibbe ballsstuffed with minced lamb all create a rich and mindblowinggastronomic extravaganza!
Lina Saad was born in Sierra Leone, West Africa. During the 1980s Lina attended Evangelical School in Beirut and lived through the Civil War, experiencing the severe stress the Lebanese went through at this time. In 1986, she joined her parents back in Sierra Leone until she completed her GCEs and then returned to Lebanon to graduate from high school. Lina graduated from Westminster College with a BA (Hons) in Hotel Managament) and established Alicia Restaurant in Warren Street, London.
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