The Kite's Tale follows the story of Archie, who longs for a brother or sister, and Posy, who needs a forever home. It is a simple tale of adoption with a thread of hope running throughout.
By: Molly Ashton
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The Kite's Tale follows the story of Archie, who longs for a brother or sister, and Posy, who needs a forever home. It is a simple tale of adoption with a thread of hope running throughout.
Molly has a deep-rooted belief that although life is often challenging, healing and hope can emerge from the mess. She and her husband live this daily, with their four children (two of whom are adopted), a motley crew of chickens, pigs, bees, guinea pigs and an overgrown garden.
This is my favourite of the books. It explains all about adoption; what it’s like for everyone involved in the process.
Molly Ashton has written this beautiful book in a way that children will understand. I highly recommend it to anyone thinking about adoption, the story is full of love and delightful, colourful illustrations.
A really helpful and positive book about a family's journey to adoption. I read this to my 5 and 8 year old who were completely absorbed in the story. Particularly helpful for families who are going through the adoption process or whose extended family are adopting. I think it would also be good for adopted children. It's a book which helps children to ask questions and start conversations.
This is a gem of a book. Beautifully written with lovely images. It opens out the world of adoption in a loving helpful way. It fills a gap in the market and will be so helpful and such a source of inspiration to those who read it. Highly recommended.
This story has been written by the heart. It is full of love and understanding but also the difficulties of a child who goes from a foster home to a forever home. The illustrations are brilliant too.
A perfect book to help a child with the excitement and worries, of having an adopted sibling in a gentle, beautiful and real way.
As an adopter, this took me back to all the positive expectations in the most delightful way. A heart warming story to share with your children whether planning adoption or know some other family on the same journey.
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