Is renunciation of God and turning to the Devil the deepest degree of man’s desperation or the highest point of his strength? The Faithlessness shows the demonic power which possesses people and leads them to see the way to happiness and freedom in crime and not in doing good. This unusual novel is full of philosophical ideas, irony and spiritual duels. Rich in thoughts and stratified in messages, it ends with a bravura in which the heroes for the first time get their names and the events get precise geographical and temporal coordinates.
This book is a little homage to Bulgakov, Dostoyevsky, Milton, Conrad, Nietzsche, and, in a particularly interesting way, to Goethe. There are also many dedications to other authors.
The Faithlessness is a condensed prose piece of work in which fiction and reality are interwoven, a story that provokes contemplation and lures of repeated reading and of constant discovery of numerous, at first sight, hidden flows.