Enter the enchanting world of Squire Erstwhile, a remarkable cat whose courage knows no bounds. In this delightful collection of tales, the noble Squire and his loyal companions – Teddy the bear, the Yorkshire Pussy, a brave Robin, and even a misunderstood Dragon – embark on thrilling adventures in the magical forest surrounding Erstwhile Hall.From daring rescues to encounters with witches and wicked magicians, Squire Erstwhile faces every challenge with bravery, wit, and a touch of magic. Armed with his great green coat with golden buttons, a Cloak of Invisibility, and the power of the Magic Tail, the gallant Squire proves that kindness and friendship can overcome even the darkest of foes.Perfect for cat lovers and anyone who believes in the power of camaraderie, The Adventures of Squire Erstwhile will enchant readers young and old. Join Squire Erstwhile and his delightful band of friends as they create a timeless tale of love, loyalty, and the true meaning of home.
A. R. Walsh has lived in St. Annes for most of her life. She has always loved animals especially horses and cats. She married a lovely man who she got to know through horses. It was her husband John who gave squire a home just before the wedding. Sadly, he died of motor neurone disease many years later.
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