In the quaint village of Dorset, where the past and present intertwine, Liberty finds herself at the crossroads of a new beginning. Retired and seeking solace in the comfort of her cottage, Cuphea’s Nest, she discovers that life has more chapters waiting to be written.Amidst the backdrop of a harsh winter, Liberty’s routine life is gently disrupted by her neighbour, Joseph Beam, a widower grappling with his own sea of grief. As they navigate their daily lives, an unexpected friendship blossoms, offering them a chance at healing and rediscovery.But La Libre Rose is more than a tale of newfound companionship. It is a journey through time, where magical realms speak of undying love, and historical echoes remind us of the resilience of the human spirit. From the enchanting whispers of fairies in the holly tree to the poignant memories of a world torn by war, this novel weaves a rich narrative of love, loss, and the enduring hope for a better tomorrow.As Liberty and Joseph find solace in each other’s company, they are unwittingly guided by the mystical forces of the universe, leading them to uncover the true meaning of home and heart. Will the magic of Dorset and the legacy of the past empower Liberty to embrace her future?
Kathleen-Ann Liberty lives in her beloved Dorset, England. She enjoys the creativity of writing and watercolour and oil painting, a love she has passed on to her children. She loves her cat and dog as well as the countryside and her special garden.
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