In this collection, I aim to present you with thought-provoking poetry that traverses a wide spectrum of emotions and experiences. From the plaintive to the joyous, these poems explore the complexities of love, hate, loss, and the political landscape. Life on this earth is not always a smooth journey; we face challenges, feel lacerated by pain, and often find ourselves lamenting. Yet, prose can be a cathartic medium to express and understand these emotions.
Through my own experiences – standing at the brink, at my lowest points, loving and losing, as well as celebrating triumphs and joys – I offer you this robust yet sincere reflection of my life in verse. These poems, I hope, will resonate with decent human beings, providing a visceral and relatable experience. This anthology is not just a collection of poems; it’s a window into my existence on this planet. Thank you for embarking on this journey with me, and enjoy this deeply personal book.