In this thrilling novel set in 2007 at the Metropolitan Police, follow PC Lawson on a journey where his lifelong dream of catching a notorious villain comes true, but not in the way he expected. A real mystery unfolds as a lorry escapes the UK, leaving the police puzzled, suspecting that it may contain drugs. The ingenious story follows a cunning and wealthy villain who turns the tables on the Met by exploiting their own policies to humiliate them in front of the PSD, the public, the press, and the media.
PC Lawson knows that catching this criminal will be no easy feat, and if the Met is to succeed, they must overcome their past, learn to forgive, and trust again. However, with the PSD and half of the force breathing down his neck, Lawson knows that the only person who can help him is someone he cannot afford to be associated with. It’s a huge risk, one that could cost him his life and his career, but he’s willing to take it. Follow along as Lawson navigates a dangerous game of cat and mouse, where the stakes are high and the consequences are dire.