Set against the backdrop of a graceful New England estate in the 1990s, Adeodata weaves a captivating tale of six distinct individuals, each navigating complex interrelationships and personal crises of faith. The narrative features an archbishop on the cusp of becoming a cardinal who shockingly discovers he has a grandchild, a wealthy but morally compromised bachelor business tycoon known for his generosity, a stressed housekeeper mourning the loss of societal civility, the tycoon’s widowed sister-in-law who has been the object of his lifelong affection, a young rock singer in search of meaningful direction, and a beautiful Italian orphan who, while seeking her sole surviving relative in New England, tragically contracts a fatal disease.Each character faces unique challenges, raising profound philosophical questions. How does one cope with unexpected tragedy? What does it mean to confront loneliness and a lack of purpose? What obligations arise when one’s life is saved by another? And what role does beauty play in our lives?
Having retired after a half century banking career, Dana Paul Robinson now pursues writing among other avocations. He and his wife reside in Chester County, Pennsylvania, and enjoy the good fortune of living near their three children and seven grandchildren.
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