How to Write #2 - Making the Time
Life can often be hectic, and as a result writing can take a back seat. It needn’t be this way! In today’s blog post, and in the second instalment of the ‘How to Write’ series, we take a look at ways in which you can incorporate that all-important writing time into your day to day life.
How much time do you have?
Before you do anything else, you need to work out how much time you can realistically dedicate towards writing your novel. Whether that may be an hour each evening, or two chapters a week – the trick is to set yourself an attainable goal that you can stick to. Even JK Rowling has been known to struggle with finding the time to write - “the funny thing is that, although writing has been my actual job for several years now, I still seem to have to fight for time in which to do it”.
Free yourself from distractions Now you’ve allocated yourself time in which to work, it is important that you use it! We’ve all been there. You sit down at your desk with the best of intentions, and before you know it the sun has vanished, your word count is 0, and you’re seven hours into a Wikipedia black hole. When it comes to writing, the internet is not your friend. Luckily, there’s software for those of us who lack willpower. ‘Freedom’ is a great tool, blocking your internet usage for up to eight hours at a time. Endorsed by Zadie Smith, Naomi Klein, Miranda July, Nick Hornby, Dave Eggers, and Seth Godin, you’ll be in fantastic company. https://macfreedom.com/ Create the ‘write’ space Your environment is absolutely key when it comes to the creative process. While some may thrive in chaotic surroundings, others may struggle to focus in a room full of clutter. Find out what works for you and organise your space accordingly. If you do not already have a dedicated space in which to work – make one. Nobody ever penned a NY Times bestseller whilst watching Breaking Bad on a sofa covered in toast crumbs. Or maybe they did, but the chances of you doing the same are slim. Stick to it! Now you’ve got the time, you’ve got the space; it’s time to start writing! If you find you are still struggling to put pen to paper (or fingers to keys) keep your eyes peeled for our next instalment where we will be tackling writer’s block!
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