Have you ever noticed that people who are avid readers are much more interesting in their conversations and overall demeanour? If yes, let us reassure you that your observation is so on point. Cultivating a habit of reading is a challenging task but once achieved, it has its perks. Reading comes with an uncountable number of benefits. From free time spent right to an overall transformation in the person you are, reading does wonders. Eventually, it will help you even more if you dream of becoming an author. We, sure, are discussing this in detail but reading deserves a share in your new year resolutions (read more on New Year Resolutions here).


Reducing stress and improving mental health

Apart from our casual, informal knowledge about the benefits of reading books, there are formally researched, established facts on the topic as well. Reading strengthens the brain function. We can never underrate the positive impacts this not-so-demanding activity has on our mental health. Reading reduces stress and is a tried and tested activity in managing anxiety. It is just as much effective as yoga. These medical facts are all the more incentive for us to prioritize reading and give it space in any new year resolutions. You can check out books of Austin Macauley Publishers to read and reduce stress in your life.


Enhancing your knowledge

Alongside these promising health-related benefits, reading also enhances your vocabulary. You can write better when you read more. Books are a reservoir of knowledge and information. If you like to read non-fiction, you will be exposed to plenty of knowledge every day (do check out our non-fiction titles here). On the other hand, fiction delivers insights into human behaviour. Reading more books introduces you to emotions that you have felt but have not quite been able to process and explain. You become more equipped to channelize your negative and positive energies. As a consequence, your creativity and insights are enhanced.


Setting reading challenges

At this point, we are good to infer that reading carves a better person out of you. Hence, for the sake of personal growth, you can set yourself reading goals in many ways. For example, you may set a fixed number for the whole year or you may take it month wise. Depending on your reading pace and the free hours you have at your disposal every day, you can craft your new year reading resolutions. You might also want to read a new book every month this year. Some days are busier than others and weekends are more leisurely.


You might not be able to read every day but you will still be able to complete a book in at least a month if it’s one you’re interested in! Reading will therefore enable you to write as well. We can make this transition easy for you. All you have to do is submit your work through our online submission form.


Broaden your interests

The motivation to read a book will largely depend on how interesting a book appears. You must be careful while selecting a book. Know your favourite genres and select accordingly (for a wide range of titles of each genre, click here)! Invest your time in searching genres. If you are confident about which particular genre you want to read, hit it directly and save your time.


If you are a parent who loves reading, you will want to inculcate the same in your child. Children are even more excited about the new year and also new books. Make sure that you assist them in setting their reading goals for the year and in buying them books that they love. For ideas, you can check Austin Macauley’s collection of children’s books here.


Our wide selection of titles

Once you are convinced and ready to incorporate reading in your routine, you will find yourself wondering what to read. Sometimes it gets difficult to find good books to read. With little prior experience with books, you cannot easily identify your preference of genre. We recommend you to check our newly released titles on our website here. These are just some of the best books to read that may make your list!


You can also enjoy 30% off on our paperbacks currently, happy reading!


Enjoy reading our books? Now’s the time for you to publish your book for the world to read. Submit your manuscript now and kickstart your writing career.

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