4 Reasons for Feminists to read Think Like a Man
At the height of the #Metoo, #Timesup and many other current feminist movements and campaigns, you may be looking at the title of this book and thinking “this is mansplaining gone mad!”
However, if you read the book, you will find a treasure trove of advice for female and feminist readers who want to gain insight into the way men think, to build stronger lasting relationships with them (both intimate and professional). jD says that once you’re able to think like a man, not only will you hold greater power over men, but also apply these secrets to daily life.
This blog is a mini review by Austin Macauley’s Marketing Manager, who took the time to read ‘Think Like a Man’ – we hope you enjoy the review and book just as much as they did!
Reviewing ‘Think Like a Man’
One of the perks of working with books is that I have the privilege to read great new titles from talented authors. This week I read ‘Think Like a Man: the only guide you’ll ever need’. Although this is not the genre of book I normally enjoy reading, I was pleasantly surprised. This book contains a treasure trove of advice, especially for women who wish to gain insight into the way men think and feel, whilst learning how to build stronger, lasting relationships with them.
Although this book is for all women, I will share four reasons why I believe feminists will love the book – and I’m interested to find out if other readers feel the same!
1) Empowerment!
I’ll be honest, I was sceptical when I started reading this book. At first glance, the concept seemed controversial; how could a man possibly write a self-help guide aimed at women?
However, my scepticism disappeared when I realised how truthful the advice was and that it was coming from a man who has the utmost respect for women, changing my perspective and encouraging me to stick with the book.
There are undoubtedly times when you’ll want to throw the book at his head (as jD gives readers full permission to do) but by the time you have read the last page, you’ll want to give jD a massive high five instead!
This is not a book telling women that they need to change the way they think to be successful. Rather it is a MANual aimed at helping women understand the way men think so that we can use our innate power over them to get what we want, in a way that makes both you and him happy.
2) Thinking Like a Man Is for ALL Women, Not Just Those Looking to Land a Man
Although the advice in the book is predominately centred around romantic relationships, I personally found that many of the “secrets” jD reveals are transferable to non-romantic and even professional relationships.
He explains that women’s wants and needs are far more complex than those of a man and much of this stem from evolution. Therefore, if women understand how men think, they will be better equipped to communicate more effectively with them in all aspects of work and life.
3) The Concepts are Universal
In the book, jD says, “Although cultures, customs and languages are different, sometimes vary, the core of a man is not. And because of this, women can “weaponize” themselves by USING (not just reading but using) what’s in this book to empower yourself to get what you want from a man. These secrets that are powerful truths will work the same for a woman in Utah as it would in Madrid.”
He often refers to inherited traits that are universal, so women everywhere can use it to their advantage.
4) All you need is YOU!
Most chapters begin with a quote from an influential person, which I thought was a great touch. Some funny, some thought-provoking, all of which I am putting on my wall!
Although this book is filled with humour, there is one very serious, underlining message to all the women reading it: You are valuable, you are powerful, and you don’t need a man to make you happy. However, if you did want to land and keep the RIGHT guy or attempt to understand what scores you more points with men, you will find the advice in this book invaluable.
Think Like a Man can be purchased online now and you can follow Austin Macauley on Facebook and Twitter, for more news and updates on the book and author!
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