10 Great Ideas for Your Author’s Blog Post for The Month of April

10 Great Ideas for Your Author’s Blog Post for The Month of April

Author’s blog is one of your most significant public profiles available online and a major source of gaining and engaging the audience for your book. Make sure to prioritise it according to its worth and schedule regular blogs posts for your website. The larger audience group you have the more responsibility falls on you to engage them. It is recommended that you upload fresh content on your website once a week. It is also essential that you are consistent and punctual about uploading your blog posts. For example, if you are uploading blog post once a week, you should pick one day of the week (say Wednesday) and publish your content on that day every week.


To offer diversity in your content, it is wise to include blog posts that are not exclusively about your books. Try to engage your followers by publishing blog posts that will interest them and overlap with their needs. It is important to create content that is relevant to trending topics and current affairs to elicit interest in the audience and add an up-to-date feel to your blog. It will help you to connect with your audience.

If you find it difficult to come up with fresh ideas to blog about every month, Austin Macauley regularly uploads blog post ideas for your author’s website. We are here with ten blog post ideas for the month of April for you to benefit from. April is mostly representative of growth and frequently associated with the blossoming of spring, poetry and Easter. Other affiliations of the month of April include Children’s Book Day, Tell a Story Day, National Stress Awareness Month and National Child Abuse Prevention Month.



1. Story Book Recommendation

Taking advantage of Children’s Book Day, and Tell a Story Day you can fashion a blog about storybooks you or your children have enjoyed and ask your audience for recommendations. If you are an author of fiction books this could be a great opportunity for you. You can talk about the art of storytelling at length. You could share tips for aspiring authors.

2. Eco-Friendly Tips and Ideas

As 22nd of April is Earth Day, it could be a great idea to create content in relevance to preserving nature and write about environment-friendly ideas. It could also be a great opportunity to emphasis about recycling. If you are children’s book author, you can take this opportunity to teach young children about pollution and other elements which can harm our eco-system.

3. Embracing Parenting Moments

If you are a parent and your targeted audience includes adults who may be raising young children, it could be a great idea to generate a relatable post for them. This could enhance bonding with them significantly, plus fun mischiefs by kids and parenting mishaps can be amusing and entertaining for anyone. Create a post and list some of the most embarrassing parenting moments you have experienced. It will add a more human touch to your blog and your followers will appreciate your openness.

4. World Health Day Blog

With World Health Day in store for the month of April there are so many topics you can tap on. You can blog about healthy eating or sleeping habits, you can promote some of your favourite exercises, you can share information about your health goals for the year. You can also take this opportunity for creating awareness about mental health. If you are an author for children books you can talk about oral hygiene for young ones. If your readers are late teens or in the early twenties, you can also try your hand at safe sex and reproductive health.

5. Autism Awareness

April 2nd is celebrated as Autism Day and April is connoted as Autism Awareness Month in most countries. You can participate in the camping and gather in as much information about autism and design a blog post to create awareness or maybe share some helpful tips for family members of people with autism. You can also recommend some interesting books regarding autism.

6. Stress Awareness

We are living in a high-stress environment in comparison to the previous generations whose lives were much steady paced. Technology has speeded up our life but also have boosted the day-to-day stress level. There are several unhealthy consequences of stress in the long run. As April is Stress Awareness Month you can create awareness around stress and share tips to lower the stress level in workplaces. You can also share stress handling techniques for your followers to benefit from.

7. Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, so you can participate in creating awareness about this important issue and by conducting some research, create a post about some useful tips for parents to communicate with their children so any sort of abuse can be reported by young children easily.

8. Proper Storytelling Technique

You are a published writer now and have gathered authority on this topic. Help aspiring authors who follow you by sharing some great storytelling techniques. Share as much valuable information as you can.

9. Easter Blog

Easter Sunday is falling on 21st April this year. Share a really cheerful blog with greetings for Easter and any fun activities you would like to recommend for families and children to enjoy. Share your family recopies for Easter meals.

10. A New Recipe to try

Look for a new recipe that you have not tried before, make a meal for yourself, take some pictures and share your experience. Cite the source of the recipe and share if it was easy to get the ingredients and how much time and effort it took to prepare the meal. How was the end product and was it worth the effort and expense? Also, tell if you would like to make this recipe again or will be trying any other recipe in the near future? It will make a very interesting and engaging post as almost everyone is interested in food at some level.

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