Rodolpho Miranda
Rodolpho Miranda is the bestselling author nowadays and… No, no; stop, please! Whenever you see on the back covers ‘he/she is bestselling author’, it even seems that all and every single author is ‘The Bestseller’ – they’re bestliars. However, in this book, you have the truth.
Rodolpho Miranda was born and raised in Brazil, but now he lives in London. He’s trying to be a bestseller writer with his debut novel, Little Boy and the Alphomega Kingdom, first one of a six-book saga. Arthurian legends, Celtic culture, creatures of English folklore, relationships between parents and sons, friends and enemies, human being and the environment; philosophy, sex, religion, taboos and other subjects expressed in a high-level stylistic literature. Little Boy and the Alphomega Kingdom is a turn-on and mind-bending book. Are you ready for this?