Hester Fleming
After receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, Hester spent the first part of her career in London, focused on marketing and advertising in digital B2B Publishing and the ‘Not for Profit’ sector.
Following a family background in the antiques trade, weekends and holidays were spent travelling and browsing the vintage markets of the UK and Europe. Hester eventually assembled a large enough collection of vintage jewellery and accessories to start trading at Gray’s Antique Market Mews in Mayfair.
In addition, she also launched a boutique shop online, selling pieces globally. Hester moved to New York City in 2011 with her husband, where she continued to trade vintage jewellery and accessories online. She took great pleasure exploring the exciting vintage fashion scene and participated in several Manhattan Vintage Clothing Shows. Customers included, stylists, costume designers, fashion bloggers, jewellers, avid collectors of historical costume jewellery, and the everyday style-conscious elite.
Towards the end of 2016, Hester relocated to Sydney, Australia, and along with motherhood, she continues to trade at pop-up vintage events and through her online boutique.