Guy Turner
Guy Turner is 73 years of age and married to Roma. He has two sons and five grandchildren. He has spent his life in marketing and sales. He lives in Skipton, North Yorkshire, alongside the canal. He had never written anything until the age of 70, when a rather large duck floated by that his grandson named 'Tummyfull'. Within six months, eighteen complete stories were written, two of which have been published and several hundred copies of them were sold locally.
Guy's writing is inspired by the humorous side of human nature, ordinary objects with curious journeys and the beautiful surroundings and wildlife of the Yorkshire Dales.
Maurice Grumbleweed has been sketching and painting throughout his show business career as one of 'The Grumbleweeds', a hugely successful comedy band who had their own TV and radio show in the 1980s. Now as a solo act on cruise lines, Maurice finds artistic inspiration through cities like Havana and Venice.